Hint for Trimble for adding another column in the layer tray
Dear Developers
On the Layer tray, you have four columns. I would like you to add another column, locked or unlocked.
If you had this columnn, one could look to see if the layer is locked or unlocked. And if I was going to move a part, I could lock all the layers, move the part without accidentally moving something else in the background.
Just a thought.
And yes, I know there is a plugin to lock and unlock a layer, but it doesn't give any indication in the layer tray if the layer is locked or unlocked.
Not sure I understand, Ken. In SketchUp, layers are really only visibility tags that can be given to groups and components. What benefit would there be to locking those tags?
Hi Dave
Guess I didn't make myself clear. I wish to click a layer's name shown in the layer tray, and lock every piece of geometry with the layer's name and also, have the layer tray show that layer is locked.
Right now you have no indication that any particular layer is locked unless you select the layer.
Hope you get it now.
Thanks for the reply.
OK. I think I get what you want. You want to lock components and groups that have the same layer tag. It wouldn't actually be that the layer tag is locked since that doesn't really make any sense.
Since it would be the groups and components that are getting locked, why not look in Outliner? There you can see what's locked and what isn't.