Entering object dimensions--arg!
What is the correct way to enter object creation dimensions so it to correct to the X/Y? Every time I do the axis is wrong. E.G. I enter 3',6' it never is on the axis I want. Reversing to 6',3' after the initial entry will give me the correct alignment. However, if I had entered it as 6',3' originally I would have still got the wrong thing. I expect that is another "Doh!" moment.
I gave up trying to figure that one out a long time ago! What I have been doing is to click and drag out a rectangle that is long and thin so that a check of the Measurements box will show which way the Axis are showing up as either x/y or y/x for that particular operation.
Like shawb, I quit trying to figure it out over a decade ago and just start the rectangle very obviously longer in one dimension than the other and use the same order when I type. It depends on which way the rectangle is oriented in 3D space.
I assigned a shortcut for " view/rendering/edge/by axis " as ALT + X so i can turn on or off the colors of the object's axis, so in this way, i know where to dimension any object. < X,Y >