Kitchen Render
Cracking renders, floor texture looks a little oversized in render one but that might just be me.
Hi, would like to ask a favour, could you post the kitchen model on 3d warehouse? I did an experiment lately posting another kitchen model inviting others to participate in skill exchange. It did not work as I thought it would. I think the answer is having the finnished render for comparison. I would love to download your render and "dress" it. others may download as well. I would like to ask you what lighting setting (Concept) you used even though I am sure we use different renderers. Would that be approriate from your perspective, would you be prepared to be involved?
hi, let me upload it , and lets see what we can do.
Here is model without any furniture.
3D Warehouse
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
and here is link with all furniture and models which i downloaded from 3Dwarehouse.
What did you use for lighting, hdri or other? and are your crossover lamps in operation Just trying to find how to duplicate.
i have simply used vray sun and sky, used portal lights, emmisive light and rectangular lights.
@imabzeous said:
i have simply used vray sun and sky, used portal lights, emmisive light and rectangular lights.
Thank you
Hi Mafesto, thanks for your help so far:) I am working on your model which is pretty cool BTW. I had issues with your lamp I did not know it had a multitude of fins which must have had about a thousand of more faces, so when I made that material an emitter my renderer spat it. I will simplify the lamps for me. If you have the raw render without post proscessing could you post it? That would be of huge benifit as I have tried to stay away from that so far and would love to see the difference.
HEY LIAM, i will post them today.
@imabzeous said:
HEY LIAM, i will post them today.
Thanks mate will be valuable to me for the exercise:)
Hi Mafesto, thanks for posting that is a great comparison. how long did you work on the post production work say just the main shot?
i worked hardly an hour or all of these four pics.. just a bit of color correction, used vray passes , and camera raw filter thats it.
Both comparisons are equally good.
so curios to see the it possible?