Twinmotion is now free
recently downloaded Twinmotion. So I compared it to twilightrender, which I am using for almost 10 years. result is impressing: Twilightrender took half an hour, with 9 passes in preset#9 , Twinmotion took 1 minute. I am not happy with the lightning, but 10 years experience compared to two days, the result isn't too bad. Looking foward the possibilitys in video and VR... little postpro in Photoshop CC
I have some questions:
I worked a lot at textures at my model. now I want to change the texture on a single surface to another texture. Is that possible inside TM? Is it possible to reimport to SU?
Hi Jo-Ke - yes, editing textures within Twinmotion is possible - even in a remarkable extent through different material property channels. I do not know whether a "play back" to SkUp is possible ...
(below my older SubD scooter, acting as test model, fully retextured within Twinmotion)
Yesterday I worked with twinmotion untill night and renderd my first 3D 360 pano video in 4K for oculus rift. Ok 20 seconds took 7 hours to render but the result is impressive.
I have many new ideas
What a nice app. I was waiting for it for years
@jo-ke said:
Yesterday I worked with twinmotion untill night and renderd my first 3D 360 pano video in 4K for oculus rift. Ok 20 seconds took 7 hours to render but the result is impressive.
I have many new ideas
What a nice app. I was waiting for it for years
Very much looking forward to the results-they are bound to be impressive!
video turned out nice but in Oclulus it is "bumpy". Maybe I have to change something?!?
Any idea if they plan to have a Sketchup plugin?
Has anyone seen anything like an equipment render instead of an architectural render?
@ntxdave said:
Any idea if they plan to have a Sketchup plugin?
Has anyone seen anything like an equipment render instead of an architectural render?
Yes, they will be integrating into SU, but pretty sure that will be the paid version.
I am testing it all day long. I still have problems getting a good workflow with connecting the output to Oculus Rift.
Using BIMotion I can't walk. only a Panoviw.
So I decidid to make a Video in 3D to show via Oculus rift. This works quite well, but the aspect ratio in output of Twin motion isn't 1:2 so the result in Oculus is distorted.
Is there a way to change the resolution or aspect ratio in Twinmotion?
I'm not really a fan of them giving Twinmotion away for free. Having a Lumion license, the thought of competing against others that are using free software is a bummer. Although, already competing against all the people that used cracked software, so I reckon it's not a big difference. Hoping that Lumion can stay ahead with features and assets. It should all even out once Unreal starts charging in November. But I'm sure they'll be more affordable to the common man and offer an affordable monthly subscription. It's hard for anyone to cough up what Lumion asks... It should light a fire under Lumion, though. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them adding more features and lowering the cost soon.
@gd3design said:
... It's hard for anyone to cough up what Lumion asks... It should light a fire under Lumion, though. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw them adding more features and lowering the cost soon.
This is what I am really hoping for. As of now the rendering quality of lumion is far superior to that of TM. But as per the Official forum, TM currently utilizes Unreal Engine version 4.17. In the coming months hopefully the latest version of UE would be ported to TM. That means realtime raytracing and that is really going to up the game. So either lumion steps up and produce some really phenomenal features to justify its hefty price tag or they better go down the subscription route, the latter being which I believe they would be going for logically.
I suspect that Twinmotion will disappear as a product in November, Unreal are launching 'Unreal Studio'at $49 per month, Twinmotion will be an integration of Unreal with the modeling app and it will be hands down the leader from launch as it has so much more to offer than anything out there.
I have avoided Unreal as the workflow was just too complicated and time consuming, now Unreal will be able to simplify and integrate their product with our modeling app, if it can be as easy as Enscape then they will be the winners and so will we. -
@jo-ke said:
Yesterday I worked with twinmotion untill night and renderd my first 3D 360 pano video in 4K for oculus rift. Ok 20 seconds took 7 hours to render but the result is impressive.
I have many new ideas
What a nice app. I was waiting for it for years
360 pano video!! I'm going to have to try this out, I've been looking for that capability in a real-time renderer (that's not Lumion.) What hardware are you using to render?
Anyone play with the BIMotion yet. I am able to get it to work but the resolution just looks horrible but still images look good. Is there some sort of setting for better looking export?
Absolutly amazing! Any personnage can have behaviour of any other!
is it possible to change the backgroundsphere to my own equirectangular pano?
here's a video of a current project. This is really the advantige of Twinmotion. Videos are rendered very quick. this one took less then 10 minutes to render.
10 minutes! That sounds fantastic. I hope I have time to look at this soon--it will save time in the future. Nice work, Jo-ke.
Played around with this for about a day but sadly my old laptop is just not up to the task. Great features but frustrating when a simple edit takes forever. Anyhow had fun with this existing model of a B'n B Dining Room posted below and really like Felix the kitty sitting by the door.
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Thank you.
I wasn't abble to find the dome but I am experimenting with a textured sphere made in SU and imported to tm.... Let's see if it works...
@unknownuser said:
is it possible to change the backgroundsphere to my own equirectangular pano?
Seems yes
Minute 0.57 second video! Sorry in French... but here the transllation
The key is to use a textured dome for create a "context"
Step 1 - Load textured examples created by Jesus Carbajal
Step 2 - Save them inside user Library of Twinmotion
Step 3 - Launch TwinMotion. Domes are organized bottom of the user Library.
drag & drop them to the sceneStep 4 - Select the Dome's texture with the ink-dropper. Like this you open the dock of the materials parameters where you can adjust the texture's position.
Use these domes as example, for create your own environement, you can replace the texture by another 360° images.
PS Not sure you can with these free version.