Automatic walls, doors & windows
Brand new version of Sketch-Int available on SketchUcation Store !
Been a while...
Just to inform you people that Sketch_Int has kept evolving.
For instance: by version number (date)
#22.02.23 Code improvement. Removed wrong use of select_tool.
#22.03.29 Added ajustable Stiles width for exterior doors.
#22.04.04 Handles in 2017 format
#22.04.06 Multiple Open. Louver int. doors. New handles.#22.05.25 Better Undo Edit windo
#22.06.30 Added Sliding windosAnd that the newest version is available right from Sketchucation store in SketchUp.
The new version, Sketch-Int is now live on SketchUp Extension Warehouse.
update: Now on SketchUcation.
New versions:
22-11-11 Added Trapezoid windows.
22-11-15 Added Circular - Polygonal windows.
Added Multi-Sash windos.
And better grills for all.
Updated to version 23-10-31.
See release notes. -
Thanks Glenn.
Have you seen Sketch-Cuisine ? Good for any kink of cabinets. -
@mariocha said:
Have you seen Sketch-Cuisine ? Good for any kink of cabinets. have, and if i did kitchen design it would be in my plugin set, but i do recording studio design so it's only marginally helpful as if i'm doing any "lounging" or snack space, i'm only drawing a small basic setup for the owner to sort out.