Remove and purge hidden components.
@tntdavid said:
I want to delete hidden definitions and not instances.
Definitions are not hidden in the model, because they do not exist in the model entities collection (only instances do.)
When a definition is "hidden", it does not appear in the Components Browser list, but still is a member of the model's DefinitionList collection.
As Dan says don't mess on with the selection-set...
IF you actually need to collect things for later use, consider using an array [] or a hash {}...
But that is NOT needed here...
How about this ?Sketchup.active_model.definitions.each{|d|next unless; d.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}}
This deletes all nested entities within any definition named /IKEA/, if they are hidden...
**Sorry Dan, I mixed brushes between definitions and instances ...
It's wonderful TIG, your code meets 100% to my needs.
I want to be very careful with the selections or deletes, for this reason your example is perfect.
The code below removes all attributes of all dynamic components present in a SketchUp file.
m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation("unDC");m.definitions.each{|d|d.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes") if d.attribute_dictionaries and d.attribute_dictionaries["dynamic_attributes"];d.instances.each{|i|i.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes") if i.attribute_dictionaries and i.attribute_dictionaries["dynamic_attributes"]}};m.commit_operation
How to adapt this code so that it only deletes the dynamic attributes of all nested entities in the named definitions / IKEA / ?
Thank you**
to something like this:
...;m.definitions.each{|d|**next unless;**d.attribute_dictionaries...
To limit the action to /IKEA/ named definitions... -
Wonderful! Your example works TIG, for instances with IKEA definitions:**
m=Sketchup.active_model;m.start_operation("unDC");m.definitions.each{|d|next unless; d.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes") if d.attribute_dictionaries and d.attribute_dictionaries["dynamic_attributes"];d.instances.each{|i|i.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes") if i.attribute_dictionaries and i.attribute_dictionaries["dynamic_attributes"]}};m.commit_operation
Is it possible to purge dynamic attributes of nested components in instances with IKEA definitions?
Thank you
Votre solution TIG pour supprimer les composants masqués à l'intérieur des définition IKEA, fonctionne très bien!
Sketchup.active_model.definitions.each{|d|next unless; d.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}}
A l'intérieur de la définition IKEA, il y a beaucoup d'autres définitions qui ont des sous composants masqués.
Est-il possible de supprimer tous les composants masqués pour toutes les définitions présentes dans les meubles IKEA ?
L'idéal serait de na pas avoir à citer toutes les définitions existant dans les meubles IKEA.
**Little reminder:
It is possible to remove all hidden components of a SketchUp file, with this method:
Sketchup.active_model.definitions.each{|d|d.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}}
It is possible to remove all hidden components with the name of a definition, with this method:
Sketchup.active_model.definitions.each{|d|next unless; d.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}}
How to remove all hidden components and sub-components in a selection?
Thank you
**I finally found how to remove hidden sub-components from a selection:
mod = Sketchup.active_model sel = mod.selection sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|s|; s.definition.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}}
The problem is that only the first level of nesting is removed by the method.
I will continue to search in esperente found the solution.
See you
**I can select all the definitions by their names and apply a cleaning of hidden components:
def methode1 ### select components and sub-components with the name of the definitions. ["IKEA","DOOR","DRAWER","HANDLES"].each{|name| match = /#{name}/i m=Sketchup.active_model; s=m.selection; m.definitions.each{|d|s.add d.instances if =~ match }} end def methode2 ### remove hidden components in the selection Sketchup.active_model.selection.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|s| s.definition.entities.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|e|e.erase! if e.hidden?}} end def methode_end methode1 methode2 end
I'm progressing but this solution is not great.
Any help would be highly appreciated.**
**They always told me to be persistent and I thank all those who gave me this advice.
Here is the method to remove all hidden sub-components in a parent component:
def supprimer_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(instance) children = { |e| e.respond_to?(;definition) } children.each { |c| supprimer_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(c); c.erase! if c.hidden? } end supprimer_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(Sketchup.active_model.selection.first)
Here is the method to remove all the dynamic attributes of all the components present in a selection:
def selectionner_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(instance) children = { |e| e.respond_to?(;definition) } instance.model.selection.add(children) children.each { |c| selectionner_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(c); } end def supprimer_tous_les_attributs_dynamiques_selection mod = Sketchup.active_model sel = mod.selection sel.each{|s|s.definition.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes"); sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance).each{|i|i.attribute_dictionaries.delete("dynamic_attributes")}} end def desactiver_toutes_les_selections mod = Sketchup.active_model ent = mod.active_entities sel = mod.selection instances = sel.grep(Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) sel.clear end selectionner_tous_les_sous_composants_selection(Sketchup.active_model.selection.first) supprimer_tous_les_attributs_dynamiques_selection desactiver_toutes_les_selections
You can test these methods directly with the ruby console, after selecting a dynamic component.
You will notice that all hidden components and dynamic attributes will be removed, even if they are nested at multiple levels.
Thank you to everyone who helped me.
See you