Problem with Layer0 and zooming
ZOOMING: I suggest you take a look at your mouse scroll wheel sensitivity settings. Apart from that, always try to point your cursor at geometry when zooming in, it will help.
LAYER0: Unless you are at advanced SketchUp skill level, rather keep all geometry, lines, etc. on Layer0 and place your group (containers for geometry, lines, etc.) on other layers. Make sure you group your geometry as you go along, just good practice that will save you headaches in future. More specifically to your problem here, you may have installed a plugin / extension that forces that as SketchUp doesn't do that in itself (as in barebones install).
Oh, consider updating your profile, indicates you are using SU2015 and your post above indicates SU2017 usage.
Thank you for your reply. I've been working with Sketchup since the "6" Google version, so I know what I'm doing
Zooming: The mouse sensitivity is not the reason, in other programs works fine and I know how to zoom in sketchup (pointing on a geometry)
The problem didn't occure for me in previous Sketchup versions.
Layer0: I always try to group everything I can and store it on the layer of my choice (both container and geometry inside). And probably you are right, I've installed lots of plugins from a huge pack and one of them probably causes the problem. I think I'll reinstall SU and apply only trusted plugins.
Thank you!
Cheers! -
@fredziarz said:
Layer0: I always try to group everything I can and store it on the layer of my choice (both container and geometry inside).
This is poor practice. You should leave Layer 0 active (current) at all times. All geometry is drawn on Layer 0 and should remain on Layer 0. Only the group or container gets assigned to other layers.
@dave r said:
This is poor practice. You should leave Layer 0 active (current) at all times. All geometry is drawn on Layer 0 and should remain on Layer 0. Only the group or container gets assigned to other layers.
Why is it better? What's the difference?
It eliminates problems caused by getting geometry on the wrong layers. It's much simpler to manage because you never have to worry about which layer is active. If Layer 0 is active at all times there is never a need to make any adjustments. When you open a group or component for editing, you are still putting geometry on Layer 0.
Tell me what benefit you think there is to putting both the geometry and the group on a different layer.
Maybe you are right.
And what do you think about this zooming problem? Can you figure out the reason?
Try following the "rules" for using layers and I think you'll find it makes your workflow a whole lot easier. Less time spent chasing your tail and worrying about which layer you're putting stuff on.
As for the zooming, I've been using SU2017 since the first day and SketchUp in general since Version 3. I haven't seen any changes with zooming. It will zoom bigger steps if the cursor is not on the model. I've also seen issues when the model is located at a large distance from the origin.
Thank you very much. Actually you've turned my sketchup world upside down
Zooming still annoys, but I can live with it. Cheers!
@fredziarz said:
Thank you very much. Actually you've turned my sketchup world upside down
Hopefully for the better.
For close inspection zooming try switching perspective camera off. For zooming out far turn it on. I have an alt+p shortcut and am constantly switching between both.