Making a solid
As per attached, I have a window unit that I want to make a solid. When I run solid inspector, it tells me I have 4 short edges and kinda shows where they are at. My problem is when I try to locate these edges, (7/64"), I can't find them. I have scaled the component up 1000 times and still can not see these. Your help would be appreciated.
I see what your saying. I created solid components for the muttin bars and then merged them with frame (component) I wonder why the two angled ones merged different that the center one. Maybe I didnt have it extended into the frame enough. I still can't see where solid inspector is telling me I have 4 short edges where the radius meets the straight line though
software can make a mistake as well. I tend to fix more complex problems by hand: using section planes, changing the current style to display the endpoints as well, xray mode etc. All help in finding and fixing 'strange things'.
Let me edit the post for simplicity.
I went through many steps trying to figure out what was going on, but here's the final way I fixed it. There was no problem at the arch top. The problem is where the two sashes meet. they meet on a single edge, one edge has four faces. To fix I push-pulled the bottom of the top sash down slightly (in reality sashes lap more than that. I erased the face to look inside, selected the new face between the sashes plus the edges (double click), group and delete (be sure any left over edges are gone). Then draw an edge to bring back the top sash bottom face.
Couple comments: Sashes overlap for the most part, you see one lock rail primarily, not both rails. Muntins are usually not as thick as the sash, they're recessed from the face, both sides. Vinyl windows may not have much recess. Sorry for the size of the picture, only good shot I could find.