MS Physics HELP
When hovering over icons in Sketchup, text appears and gives a brief description of its purpose.However, in MSPhysics the pop-up text is helpful, but is TOO brief. A box of text with lots of words and little time to read it.
Maybe this?
Did you try contacting the author? Maybe post this in his thread in the Plugins forum.
@drafter said:
When hovering over icons in Sketchup, text appears and gives a brief description of its purpose.However, in MSPhysics the pop-up text is helpful, but is TOO brief. A box of text with lots of words and little time to read it.
I had exactly the same problem. Luckily, this issue has been addressed. You need to upgrade to MSPhysics version 0.9.8 (13-Nov-16). There are certain other improvements in the UI in this version.