Subtract shape from inside solid
I'm trying to subtract a shape from inside a solid...
The shape I am trying to subtract is on the right... I placed a copy inside the solid as reference... that is what I want to 'hollow' out of the solid block...
I've tried to follow but can't get it to work... missing something
Here's the SketchUp file I'm using: Core Mold.skp
By chance is there a plugin?... I've tried VisuHole, no luck there... still trying.
btw, I am using Make... can't afford Pro yet... -
To use the Solid Tools (which actually wouldn't be all that useful in this case) you need to have solids. The core group isn't a solid. It's a nested group. You would need to combine the groups inside it to make a single solid group.
Is there supposed to be just one exit to the outside?
yes sir... you make it look so easy I really feel dumb...
There is the one complete hole (where the casing metal is poured) and the angled core is partially open at the top . The opening at the top of the angled core is to allow venting. There will be a 'funnel' above the main core to 'push' the molten metal.
I've been trying to get the core into a solid but... anyway... as it was, it did print...
sooo, how the heck did you do it? and where should I start to get similar results?? -
Would you like me to show you?
It would be easier.
yes, affirmative!
I'm still trying to figure it out... I've got the cores separated as solids and am following the directions (from SketchUp , Subtracting one solid from another (or use Intersect Faces with Model) section). Is that the procedure I should be using? or should I be using Trimming one solid with another section? Problem with the Trimming is that I don't have Pro.Well, I thought I almost had it... subtracted the horizontal core from the vertical core where they intersected, manually patched up the 'open faces'... BugSplat!
I'm taking a break now... go see if the Coyotes are still prowling around the goat shed... pick some eggs... see if I can clear my head...
Just saw your post pilou... thanks
Moot: I can show you "live" how I did it but it'll have to wait until I get home from work this afternoon.
@moot said:
I'm taking a break now... go see if the Coyotes are still prowling around the goat shed... pick some eggs... see if I can clear my head...
Good luck with the coyotes and the goats. On average, how many eggs do your goats lay daily?
@dave r said:
Moot: I can show you "live" how I did it but it'll have to wait until I get home from work this afternoon.
That will work for me... whenever it is convenient for you... send me PM with approx. time so I am sure to be on the lookout.
@dave r said:
Good luck with the coyotes and the goats. On average, how many eggs do your goats lay daily?
I do find eggs in the goat shed... not sure whose they are
I believe that you can't have directly the result because
from your profil seems you have the SU Make!
Only SU Pro have complete boolean operation! (Difference, union, intersection,...)
So you must must make the intersection by hands! -
@moot said:
@dave r said:
Moot: I can show you "live" how I did it but it'll have to wait until I get home from work this afternoon.
That will work for me... whenever it is convenient for you... send me PM with approx. time so I am sure to be on the lookout.
@dave r said:
Good luck with the coyotes and the goats. On average, how many eggs do your goats lay daily?
I do find eggs in the goat shed... not sure whose they are
OK. check you PMs.
Interesting about the eggs.
@pilou said:
You can make the same things than the Pro with the SU Make version...
except the fact that you must choose by hand that you must erase for have the volume resulting wishing!
Intersection, Union, Difference, Cut, Divide !Only external skin is possible!
Thanks pilou...
I think I have made some progress in understanding the 'intersection' stuff... I was able to 'subtract' the part of the vertical core (that fits over the horizontal core, i.e., like a saddle), manually closed it up and now Solid. I set the to cores together and used SolidSolver... it fixed some things and now the 2 cores are a solid group.
Looks like you've still got issues but we'll deal with them soon.
@dave r said:
Moot: I can show you "live" how I did it but it'll have to wait until I get home from work this afternoon.
Amazing this forum! Thanks for that Dave!
You are being paid with Coyote Eggs aren't you?
moot, check your PMs.
I don't know how I can thank Dave R enough for giving clear, concise, and understandable information. Dave R is THE MASTER