Sketchup > UE4 > HTC Vive
Awesome, I also have substance painter but I am struggling to make UV maps from the SU models. I know there are lots of tutorials for many methods but what is working best for you, a particular plugin or are you exporting elsewhere to unwrap?
Would love to collaborate on something once I have got my head round it.
I'm using Blender mostly through blendup plugin. It translates a sketchup model beautifully to blender, and you can both boost it up using blender or you can simply unwrap your textures easily there and export a DAE file to reinsert in Sketchup or Substance.
I'm using Thea for rendering the final work I export from Substance and I'm not using painter much though, as what I'm mostly interested in is the material creation capabilities of Designer and it's procedural workflow. I see myself using painter some times though, for the extra touch or on some more creative projects, but I'm very happy with designer for now.
off to microwave some popcorn
I think I'm about to learn some interesting shit.
Ok so I finally got the damn thing setup ( I live on a boat, probably not the best place for room scale VR ). I managed to get some JOBY tripod mounts to hold the sensors in place. After a bit of trial and error seem to have it nailed down (literally).
However, sometimes when a big/fast boat goes past I have to recalibrate, very annoying!
So I spent the first couple of hours calibrating the headset into Unreal, it is well documented on the Unreal wiki but it was still quite troublesome. Once that was done I was able to 'enter' my blank scene. With that work done I am ready this weekend to start importing Sketchup assets, I have a few models created already, going to try and make a simple garden scene. Substance painter is installed (30 day trial) so I think everything is riding on my ability to make UV maps via blender.
If you need to try WrapR for UV mapping SketchUp meshes let me know.
You live on a boat that rocks, using a VR headset which is disorientating and drinking wine, level of difficulty: Insane.
@rich o brien said:
If you need to try WrapR for UV mapping SketchUp meshes let me know.
Hey Rich that would be great to try. I have managed to now import models direct from SU but without mapping.
@liam887 said:
@rich o brien said:
If you need to try WrapR for UV mapping SketchUp meshes let me know.
Hey Rich that would be great to try. I have managed to now import models direct from SU but without mapping.
Into UE or Unity?
I know Unity imports SU models directly but I've heard most UE users are choosing either DAE or FBX.
I have a question for you guys, wich do you think as the best photoreal results? UE or Unity?
I've seen better UE examples but the latest shortfilm from Unity is really cool!
As unity supports Sketchup file I'm wondering wich should be better, though I like what I've seen from UE more than what I've seen from Unity.
@jql said:
@liam887 said:
@rich o brien said:
If you need to try WrapR for UV mapping SketchUp meshes let me know.
Hey Rich that would be great to try. I have managed to now import models direct from SU but without mapping.
Into UE or Unity?
I know Unity imports SU models directly but I've heard most UE users are choosing either DAE or FBX.
I have a question for you guys, wich do you think as the best photoreal results? UE or Unity?
I've seen better UE examples but the latest shortfilm from Unity is really cool!
As unity supports Sketchup file I'm wondering wich should be better, though I like what I've seen from UE more than what I've seen from Unity.
I think it's all relative, I think well seasoned users of each can produce photo-real results. I found Unity a bit harder to use myself ( I akin in to blender vs Sketchup, for me at least) but UE was a lot easier to achieve results faster. I also could not configure my Vive to work with Unity but UE4 was a breeze.
I am just in the middle of moving house and moving job so all of my computers and 3D stuff are packed up ready for shipping/already shipped abroad. I am working on a big SU/3D/Vr project at the moment and have learnt quite a bit but have not had time to post in here. Basically it's a space station built in Sketchup you can walk around in VR.
I will post my findings in about 3 weeks once I have finished moving to the new place.
Nice Liam!
I have been here now for two weeks but still do not have internet so its causing problems with UE
I have lots of things broken down and ready to port however so expect some updates as soon as my router has been delivered...!
No problem liam. Looking forward to your newest posts!
So yesterday I hosted a VR day for a creative agency and Volvo here in Sweden. I made a simple car configurator in Unreal using some assets from the 3D warehouse that I simplified and some I built myself.
Now that my subscription for 3DS Max has expired I have been learning Blender, mostly because I realised I'm still really bad at simple animation and mesh tasks.
I will be posting a write up in January as I am about to go to Vietnam for Christmas with what little money I have left before going freelance ho ho.
Here are some shots of the set mock up and the car paint picker as well as the team at Volvo playing virtual archery at the end!!
Great one liam how did they receive it?
Very cool liam!
@jql said:
Great one liam how did they receive it?
Pretty well, for most of them at least they had never used VR in any form so I think the novelty factor was enough initially. AUDI UK also have a VR experience that is live to I think lots of manufacturers are open to the idea of such things.
A few of them are aware of sketchup and were impressed that models had been ported into the VR experience. I will do something more in depth when I get back after Christmas.
One big problem is editing the static mesh once its been important into Unreal (you cant really), this isnt something unique to imports from SU but all imports, but its still a headache when you notice a mistake and have to open up SU and remodel starting the whole process again.
I may call on some advice for UV wrapping for substance painter in the NY.
@jql said:
Great one liam how did they receive it?
Pretty well, for most of them at least they had never used VR in any form so I think the novelty factor was enough initially. AUDI UK also have a VR experience that is live to I think lots of manufacturers are open to the idea of such things.
A few of them are aware of sketchup and were impressed that models had been ported into the VR experience. I will do something more in depth when I get back after Christmas.
One big problem is editing the static mesh once its been important into Unreal (you cant really), this isnt something unique to imports from SU but all imports, but its still a headache when you notice a mistake and have to open up SU and remodel starting the whole process again.
I may call on some advice for UV wrapping for substance painter in the NY. I might ask RIch about WrapR too.
@liam887 said:
I may call on some advice for UV wrapping for substance painter in the NY. I might ask RIch about WrapR too.
Ask away. I'm increasing the beta tester pool today so expect a PM.
@liam887 said:
I may call on some advice for UV wrapping for substance painter in the NY. I might ask RIch about WrapR too.
My advice is think about UDIM if you have large resources to UV unwrap.
I haven't had the time to test it but my idea is to simply have a series of textures called texture_1000
...Break my asset in logical parts and unwrap each part into one texture. Painter will automatically assume them to be a unique material. Or so I hope. I can't find a better solution for working with big resources.
I'm waiting for the right moment for WrapR to mature and this can be discussed for texturing components/groups with nested components and groups, or a multiple selection of groups/components at once.
@solo said:
You live on a boat that rocks, using a VR headset which is disorientating and drinking wine, level of difficulty: Insane.
...and wearing a life jacket would be bloody uncomfortable too..!!