Ropefall released - draw ropes, wires, cables quickly
Okay, I tried this and do like it on simple drops, however it's very slow on moderate drops, wished it was faster or there was a way to input a less complicated fall (maybe less smooth).
Next I want to drape a rope ladder however this plugin is limited to a single rope, any plans to expand this?
Solo, thanks for the feedback.
The speed depends mainly on how complex the model is underneath the rope sketch. More precisely, underneath the upper X-Y square of the bounding box around the polyline. So you can speed up roping by temporarily hiding model parts in this volume.
What do you mean by "this plugin is limited to a single rope"? You can draw as many ropes as you wish, see Massimo's example pics above. So whats your plan exactly?
ps. is there a way to get notified via email about new posts in this topic?
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Thx Bob, subscribed.
A bridge just for fun
Using awesome ropefall plugin and profile builder
Thank you Collage!!
Come on guys, keep these cool pics coming!!!
I am eager to spend part of Christmas holidays to put Ropefall to the next level -
I need your input which way to go!
Would you like to see new features or performance improvement? Some comments on this along with a picture depicting what you use Ropefall for would be most helpful!
@torel said:
Thank you Collage!!
Come on guys, keep these cool pics coming!!!
I am eager to spend part of Christmas holidays to put Ropefall to the next level -
I need your input which way to go!
Would you like to see new features or performance improvement? Some comments on this along with a picture depicting what you use Ropefall for would be most helpful!
Hello,I purchased your plugin,but did not receive a serial number
And another question,I have 2 computer,one a laptop at home and the other a workstation at office, Can I activate both of my computers?
thank you for your purchase, I have just sent you the licence key to your paypal email adress. Sorry for the delay. The Ropefall purchase process still involves a manual step, namely signing and sending out the licence key, that takes place within a businesss day after purchase. Now you have the key, please contact me at if you encounter any problems with it.
The licence key is technically bound to a single machine (and OS user), thus your key only works on the machine you initiated the purchase from. Nevertheless I am happy to send another key to you for your other machine. I will contact you regarding this.
happy roping,
Balazs -
I'm posting here some suggestions that I also emailed to the developer (and he suggested that should be posted publicly). Maybe (some) of them you will find interesting too:
-bending radius to depend on the diameter (the thicker the "hose", or rope, the loose the loop
-also bending radius to be controlled with a rigidity parameter... it doesn't have to be realistic or scientific, but rather empirical is enough. To have sort of 0..1 or 0..100 rigidity values, where 0 means completely soft (it would be nice even if the tube flattens at curves) and 100 means 100% stiff and just a bit of material elasticity would bend it. Like a long wooden stick supported by its ends.Also, another idea was if the rope can be extended to a mesh. After all what's one edges and what's more edges interconnected?
I am not thinking here to a dense mesh, but to a proxy, that can be later subdivided using Artisan or subD into a more refined mesh.
Also, this mesh could consider "thickness", so after it's folded/dropped, to be able to get thickness using Fredo's Interactive PushPull. Means that the folds would not collapse completely, but they would keep a virtual gap that would allow the thickness to be added ... -
indeed, the mass of line and gravitation setup would be nice add
"The licence key is technically bound to a single machine (and OS user), thus your key only works on the machine you initiated the purchase from. Nevertheless I am happy to send another key to you for your other machine. I will contact you regarding this."
Is any option to deactivate addon for move license to another machine?; I have the same problem with 2 workstations;
There is no deactivate option but I create you a new licence key for the new machine within the one year maintenance period. Please send me an email! Thx!
So, 1st post said this plugin does not expire.
I have not used or needed it for a while, today I need it and get this:
The website also refers to non-expiring licence.
Hi Guys, thanks for reporting this.
The licence is valid for a single Ropefall installation, it does not expire.
So if you install Ropefall on a Sketchup 2015+, successfully enter the licence key purchased and do not change or modify anything in your Sketchup environment that makes the licence key invalid, then you should be able to use that Ropefall instance forever.
So what change can make a licence key invalid?
- reinstall Sketchup for some reason (e.g. on a new machine)
- upgrade Sketchup version, e.g. from 2016 to 2017
- anything that makes Sketchup registry corrupted
In these cases please contact me at and I will generate a new licence key for you, free of charge within the one year maintenance period.
Does this help?
Seems like the licence terms should be updated as the non-expiring referral is limited.
What are the costs for a licence key regeneration, out of the year maintenance period, when one would have updated your SketchUp installation to a newer version or may have changed machines?
@torel said:
So what change can make a licence key invalid?
- reinstall Sketchup for some reason (e.g. on a new machine)
- upgrade Sketchup version, e.g. from 2016 to 2017
In these cases please contact me at and I will generate a new licence key for you, free of charge within the one year maintenance period.
Since I upgrade SU each year and make/buy a new computer about every 18 months, having to apply for a new license each time is really not viable.
What changed is I got a new machine, what did not change is I get the same issue on my old machine that did not get updated since installing.
Problem is if I get a new generated license now I'll be needing another as soon as SU 2018 arrives.
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
I am planning to build a more sophisticated licencing system but it is a non-trivial task and takes time to develop. Or maybe I go with SU's licencing system in some future release, we will see.
For now, we have to live with this simple process. Please just drop me an email once you need a new key within a year after purchase.
Projector cabling...
Thanks Kwin for the awesome pics!!