Why Manipulating Raw Geometry is so resource-demanding ??
I noticed for complex models that manipulating (move, rotate) raw geometry is really slow, compared to the same geometry made a component. Why is that? In the end, SU is still handling the same amount of geometry (vertices, faces, edges)... so why one would be so much resource-demanding compared to the other?
Because every time you move an edge, sketchup compares it to the rest of model to check for intersections.
Also inference system is checking for available inferences to adhere too.
Sketchup is pretty fast after all, it's just that feature and inference that keeps it down.
also, a group or components is seen as a single item so SU only needs to adjust it's global positioning, not the positions of the contents...
bringing in a box of groceries is much quicker them carrying them in one at a time...
@driven said:
bringing in a box of groceries is much quicker them carrying them in one at a time...
I have people to do that for me
You're mixing everything up Box. People carry you carrying the groceries!