I have a building shading a 2nd building and there is a third building (larger than the 2nd) behind the 2nd building. I want to show shadows on the 3rd building by the 1st building but not those blocked by the 2nd building. I do want shadows cast by the first building on the 2nd bldg. and the shadows caste by the 2nd on the 3rd. I keep getting shadows on the 3rd building from the 1st building which should be blocked by the 2nd building. I have made all faces of the 2nd building to 100% opaque, set the session style not to allow transparency. Just to check I turned off cast shadows by the 2nd building but the shadow of the 1st building stubbornly goes thru the 2nd building and hits the 3rd.
Hi, any screenshot would be helpful to understand, which house should cast shadows on any 2nd or 3rd house (or should not cause shadows?). Sorry, for sure my English is not good enough to understand your question correctly
Which shadow scenario are you aiming to?
Have you got the second building textured with PNG materials. Have those PNG images transparency even if the part visible is opaque?
If so, that may be your problem.
If not, check styles, face settings, transparency (fast, normal, nicer)
If not, check rendering settings under preferences, OpenGL.