3D Truss Models
Version 3.5.3 - 06.09.2024
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific trusses from floor truss assemblies.
- Enabled a feature to selectively remove specific joists from I-joist and lumber floor assemblies.
Version 3.5.4 - 06.15.2024
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.4.7 for all rafter and truss roofs.
!! Critical Bug Fix !!
Note that this bug only reveals itself if you have the sub-fascia for the truss or rafter roof turned off. This bug applies to both truss and rafter roofs (gable). -
Version 3.5.5 - 06.22.2024
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.4.7 for all rafter and truss roofs (when adv. roof options disabled).
!! Critical Bug Fix !!
This bug only reveals itself if you turn off the advanced roof options. The bug applies to truss and rafter roofs. I highly recommend updating to this latest version. -
The new Rafter Roof menu should be a bit more visual and intuitive for selecting the appropriate roof type:
Version 3.5.6 - 07.03.2024
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Rafter Roof selection.
- Enabled a graphical user interface for Floor selection.
- Fixed a bug introduced in Version 3.5.3 for all I-joist, lumber and truss floors (when adv. floor options disabled).
Version 3.5.7 - 07.05.2024
- Fixed a bug for all rafter roofs that have glulam beams.
Version 3.5.8 - 07.12.2024
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for gable rafter roofs with glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for I-joist rafter roofs with glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Enabled the "Edit Roof Assembly" function for I-joist rafter roofs with dual glulam beams (imperial and metric units).
- Added BCI, LPI, Red-I and PKI I-joists to the rafter roof module (glulam beam and dual glulam beam roofs).
Version 3.6.1 - 07.19.2024
- Added Soffit Cut within Advanced Options for Complex Rafter Roofs.
- Fixed a critical bug with the complex roof module.
Version 3.6.2 - 07.21.2024
- Enabled "flat" ceiling gypsum for complex rafter roofs.
- Fixed a minor bug with the hip-and-ridge for hip rafter roofs.
[b]Version 3.6.3[/b] - 07.26.2024
- Added a duplicate roof assembly check to the regen module for rafter, complex and truss roofs.
The instructions for usage are the same as the recent update to the Wall plugin, see Wall Plugin Tutorial #51:
Tutorial 31: Wrap Around Porch Roof (17:26 min.)
I've started working on adding in a scissor truss option into the module. Here are some quick and dirty (sorry I must have set my lunch down on my engineering pad earlier today) calcs for the heel joint of such a truss: