Error exporting to JPG
Hi, I've read forum posts similar to this but they've not answered my question.
I'm working on A4 blank LO, linked to one SU file and 1 PNG logo.
I've 4 views of the image (not complex at all).Yet, I get 'error message' - either file is too big or I don't have permissions. As the only user of this computer, I reckon it has to be file size.
W 1,056 px
H 816 px
Res 96 dpiThis is just an A4, and not a complex image - WHY oh WHY the error message??? Please help.
PS I've followed other thread instructions to purge, to close other software used, etc etc, still no joy. I'm using a new computer with not a lot of software apps or files on board.
What happens if you export to PDF? Does that work?
What is the filename you are trying to use to export the image? Does it contain any unusual characters?
Exporting to pdf with no problem.
Filenames RB SET1 or RB101 etc
Images are vector, hidden line and 1 in shaded (without texture). -
Can you export a JPG from Layout with just a few lines drawn or maybe a bit of text, but no SketchUp file?
Ooh, did a test piece, boxes with stroke, text and a label. Saved to desktop. And no, same error message, so no save to jpg.
Weird. And what exactly is the error message? When it pops up take a screen shot and post it.
Can you export a JPG from SketchUp directly?
not sure how to upload screenshot without uploading to web first.
Down below the window where you type your message you'll see a tab labeled "Upload attachment". click on that, choose the file and click "Add the file".
All working now. Must be the parent file...
file has set 4 2000/500 perhaps the / invalidates it? Worked previously but not now. -
Thank you for the support, it is wonderful to know there are people out there to help!
@windmill10 said:
All working now. Must be the parent file...
file has set 4 2000/500 perhaps the / invalidates it? Worked previously but not now.I don't quite understand what you are referring to but I think the slash wouldn't be allowed in a filename if that's what you were trying to do.
@windmill10 said:
Thank you for the support, it is wonderful to know there are people out there to help!
Happy to help but I'm not sure I did anything useful.