Model size limits
Hi Guys I have been working on a large playground 2500m2. So far I have completed a couple of pockets with trees and shrubs (textures) and a number of relatively complex play structures. Each of these "pockets" is about 70Mb. I have been asked to "stitch" these pockets together and fill in with other components. The result will be a model which I expect to be around 400 Mb maybe more. I am concerned that the finished model will be to big for my computer and I may not be able to finish it. My basic computer specs are:
Cpu:Intel Core i7 4790
16 Gig of ddr3 ram
I have not yet modelled this size. Does anyone have some experience to offer an opinion on modelling something this size?
use simple line drawing type place holders for the items that bump up the polycount, replace with intended componenet at the end
use components
take a look at the x-ref plugin/extension, use that in the separate complete model (stitching together) all the pockets
Model sounds VERY large for the area (I too do playgrounds and similarly complex landscapes). Can't emphasise using components enough. Also check out Proxy View from the plugin store. And look at any imported components very critically.
Also also, when I'm doing heavy scenes I run two scenes for each, one for working, and one for rendering/final view checking, and I make sure I ONLY look at the rendering one to avoid lockups -
Let everyone know exactly what is frustrating you . Folks with experience running big models can better offer suggestions then.
Oh wow nice! I wonder if you are rendering if proxies or other ways of compositing separate files can ease the pain.
Hi guys I posed the above question a short while ago Re: Model size limits. I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought I would post the results. The model is about 250MB and 8.4 million faces. Panning Etc. was OK but just about on the mark of 250Mb it became very frustrating. I have posted some test renders, there is no post production as yet
When I say frustrated its just that everything goes so slow. I have always wondered what it is like to control a mars rover with control delay.
I could not believe selecting a texture, and hitting the delete button does not work at all any more. I have to right click and "erase" and wait about 7 seconds for it to go. Moving a texture or even something small is almost impossible. So frustration was expected and experienced. Loading the model into the renderer (8.2 million faces)takes about 6 minutes so about 12 minutes from hitting the render button to getting the first frame render. Strangely though the renders only take about 5 minutes to cycle to a good standard. I followed as much of the advice I was kindly given from this forum, and the computer I use is of a high spec so I think this is about the limit of shetchup. So basically it is just a very big model. It did test my patients though.