Modelling a tramway
Nicely done! This isn't a German trainway by any chance? Looks exactly like the one I've seen when I was in Germany for the first time. How difficult is modelling a tramway?
I knew it was familiar somehow! Great model, really like it. From what I see so far on the pictures you posted, you didn't miss any detail.
I haven't modeled a car yet but it's interesting to know that both have the same difficulty.
Like the latest pictures. Great work!
Nice !
Love it!
... this is a so great light setup !!! - interior lighting with a backlighting sun - and Iยดm speechless about the whole model work anyway
Looks exactly like the rolling stock we have here in Gothenburg! Has been on my to-do list.
Wonderful render. I like the pavements, grass and all the detailed touches. Real sense of being on the street. Great light too!
Great render.
Excellent as always!