Intersect faces with a group
Hi all, I am having problems with intersecting faces with groups. I used to explode the group to intersect faces. Obviously this is not a good idea as if I then want to modify the previously grouped model I am causing myself unnecessary and tedious work. Can anyone please explain how to intersect faces with a group whilst still maintaining the group. I am at a loss on this one
It's all about context. You need to be in the geometry that you want to intersect with for it to work.
The first sphere is outside the context of the group, so you go into the group for editing then intersect it with 'the Model' so it reads everything it is touching outside the group.The second sphere I cut and paste into the group so it is intersecting within the group as a selection.
In both cases you need to open the group for editing so you are in the correct context to intersect.
Box made a nice animated GIF that shows the process very well. It may not be obvious in his clip but the first intersection results in a hole as evidenced by the profile edges around it.
I use this process of copying or cutting geometry to the clipboard and then pasting it in place inside components in almost every model I draw. I use Edit>Paste in place enough that I created a keyboard shortcut.