What's your all time favourite advert?
I have many but one in particular is the Sony Trinitron Advert using simple stop/start screening.
What's yours?
- topic:timeago-later,2 months
I had one of those Sony Trinitron TVs. Everyone noted how clear the image was. It was still going when I replaced it after 18 years with a Sony flat screen digital.
I can't think of a favorite - I like any commercial that makes me laugh. But according to my Mother when I was a wee young'un I was fond of the Charmin toilet paper commercials with Mr. Wiffle telling his customers not to squeeze the Charmin.
This one is classic. See if you can guess the voice of the "stomach"
Always makes me smile
http://youtu.be/ygo3RrBSzSM -
showing my age but this is comedy gold!
There was a series of these, but the original is the best: