Copy and paste from v8 to v14?
Dave I copied the files to the My Components folder in the V14 folder. The components appear in the component library. Only one of the doors will appear in the model the rest do the same as they were using the copy/paste functions from 8 to 14. I am now seeing newly added layers being created in the layers dialogue. But I see no corresponding components in the model. scratchin my head!
Could you send me the component by e-mail?
ok I found the problem
The "doors" were being placed into the door layer I created in the model and it was not checked visible. The door layer was for passage doors in the building. Now I have to figure out why they are creating or being placed into the door layer. -
Do they have the same layer name in the library? If you open a fresh, blank file, and drag in the door component, do you get the same layer name?
- was a designation I attempted to use back when I used cutlist giving all the parts names and descriptions. I haven't used it in a while so I forgot about the details.
If you don't need those anymore, you might want to take a moment and drag the components into a blank drawing and set all their layer associations back to Layer 0. Then resave them back to the library. Leave it until you use them to make layer associations.
yes of course...thanks again for your help.
One other question though. wasn't there an menu selection somewhere to put items in the library? -
Nevermind I found it.
of course I had to go through the whole windows permissions crap.
You could put your component libraries somewhere that doesn't require permission changes. Make a folder in My Documents or if you have a second hard drive, put the folder there.