Updated Portfolio
Hi All,
Been a while since I've posted, but I'm always lurking
Anyway, I've recently re-vamped my online portfolio, and wanted to share it with you guys.
So here it is: http://valleyvisuals.daportfolio.com/
I've posted a fair bit of this stuff here before, but there are some new bits in there, and it's nice to have it all in one place
Almost all the pieces shown, except for the character stuff, involve SketchUp to varying degrees.
The aerospace stuff, which I produced for the Google Lunar Xprize, was all modelled entirely in SU, and rendered in 3DSMax (in the days before I discovered Thea!)Thanks for looking. Questions, crits and comments are always gratefully received.
Yikes....I feel really weak now........that was amazing!! There is so much!
I'm going to visit again when I have more time to get inspired. Thanks!! -
Very nice Andy, you've some talent
some of the best SU work i've ever seen
Holy crap!
You should be working at Disney or Lightworks or one of those places.
great! very nice
Well done!
@andyc said:
Hi All,
Been a while since I've posted, but I'm always lurking
Stop lurking and keep us deeply impressed instead...
Thanks for such nice comments guys. Very much appreciated, as I always feel like a bit of an amateur compared to some of the work I see here.
Thanks again,
WOW Mate, you are certainly the holder of "A GIFT". I might have said this before that the site could bring us larger if not almost full screen images so we could be immersed in these amazing worlds of your imagination!
But trust, I'm freakin IMPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic works Andy...
I was so overwhelmed, I forgot to come back and post. Wonderful works!
@unknownuser said:
I always feel like a bit of an amateur compared to some of the work I see here.
...then I feel like a bug on the bottom of your boot...
Thanks again guys, so great to have positive feedback from a talented bunch like you.
Richard: I totally agree mate. Unfortunately the size restriction is imposed by the daportfolio site, but I'm in the process of setting up my own bespoke site with BIG images
Watch this space...
A. -
Awesome works, Andy.
Always a fan of yours.
@andyc said:
Thanks again guys, so great to have positive feedback from a talented bunch like you.
Richard: I totally agree mate. Unfortunately the size restriction is imposed by the daportfolio site, but I'm in the process of setting up my own bespoke site with BIG images
Watch this space...
A.Have you checked out squarespace.com mate. I've built about 13 sites using their system and it's so cool and easy!
Thanks for the heads-up Richard, much appreciated. Just taken a quick look, and I think that may be just what I need.
Very grateful mate, thank you.
Impressive ! Keep it that way !
@andyc said:
Thanks for the heads-up Richard, much appreciated. Just taken a quick look, and I think that may be just what I need.
Very grateful mate, thank you.
Seriously mate, have a play, I think you'll be amazed at the ease of setting up a site. I heard about it, then suggested to a client who was just about to get a site rebuilt that I'd have a crack. now I've built about a dozen and just quoted on a few more just from word of mouth. And I knew nothing about websites 2 years ago!