[Plugin] TIG_ReportConverter
@unknownuser said:
...Extensions say 1.1 ?
It should make a copy of the report with a suffix.
So 'xxxx.csv' becomes 'xxxx[m+m].csv', the copy is made in the original report's location.
Please run it with the Ruby Console open and pass on any error-messages...
There was a typo in the earlier version which raised error messages... but v1.1 should now run error-free...
What units are you trying to use ?
Do you use '.' or ',' as your decimal-separator etc...
All of this will be of great help...
Error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method
empty?' for nil:NilClass> C:/Users/KingOfRajaharju/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-ReportConverter/TIG-ReportConverter.rb:108:in
block in run'
C:/Users/KingOfRajaharju/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-ReportConverter/TIG-ReportConverter.rb:106:ineach' C:/Users/KingOfRajaharju/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-ReportConverter/TIG-ReportConverter.rb:106:in
C:/Users/KingOfRajaharju/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-ReportConverter/TIG-ReportConverter.rb:106:inrun' C:/Users/KingOfRajaharju/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/TIG-ReportConverter/TIG-ReportConverter.rb:17:in
block in module:ReportConverter'
SketchUp:1:in `call'What units are you trying to use ? = [mm+m]
decimal-separator = ","IAho
Thanks... could you also copy and paste the first 3 rows of the original report CSV [opened in Notepad[++]]
I think I know the issue but, just to be sure...I have a fix, but I await your info, which will help considerably...
The attached file size, I hope that it will help ..
Thank you for your wonderful workIAho
@iaho said:
The attached file size, I hope that it will help ..
Thank you for your wonderful workIAho
As I suspected your report CSV contains some almost empty lines.Rakenne; - pohjalevy, putkipalkki, peitelevy, konsoli, mitat
The entity-description has some line breaks, this in turn then gives me a series of lines to process that are not formatted as the others, where I find the length/volume values and adjust them to suit. I need to trap for those... Otherwise the unexpectedly split line and the rest of the line after it are not ordered logically like the usual ones...
Watch for an update... -
Here's v1.2
It's updated to avoid the recently reported issue.
If the 'Description', or another cell's value, contained a 'newline' character [\n or \r\n] this confused the parsing of the CSV data - because the lines were read in as separate parts instead of one long entry.
Now it checks each line's 'column-count' against that of the header: if they don't match it then appends the next line[s], to recombine any lines split at the faux line-break - so now it's all set right again.
The 'newline' remains in the CSV affected cell, as before, but the correct values are now reformatted. -
I wonder why ..
For some reason, Lenz, a measure of the update will fail.IAho
These CSV files you have now provided are NOT using Comma-Separated-Variables '
' , but use a semi-colon ';
I suspect you have edited them prior to converting them ?
The previous ones you supplied were like the ones my SketchUp creates.
So my code can then split the file's text at each","
to get the column values it needs to convert; it then rejoins the parts back together using the same separator.
SketchUp uses "" around each cell value to ensure any ',' within text cells [like Description] are not confused as value-separators.
If you edit your CSV in Notepad++ and replace all ';
' with '","
' it will work again...I'll look at adding extra code to find the actual file's 'separator' - defaulted to
but finding if the first row contains other candidates, like, ; : TAB
etc...I also note that you seem to have moved the NAME column next to the VOLUME column ?
It usually comes to the right of LENZ.MATERIAL ? This throws off the parsing...
Have you manually moved columns ?I also note that your latest CSV files are ANSI nor UTF-8 without BOM, so that adds a layer of failure too - I can re-encode the text in >=v2015...
Watch for updates...
Your 'original' CSV still has the misplaced NAME column, throwing off LENZ.
Also there are either some missing ',' and/or extra doubled=up " characters.
should be perhaps:
I can trap for 'out of order' columns, BUT messed-up 'separators' is never going to be resolvable !
Is this CSV direct;y out of SketchUp 'Generate Report', or have you edited it...
If it's 'raw', then SketchUp is really flaky !I also see there are unusual characters in the earlier ANSI file that might trip up the parsing...
e,g, in the TOTALS at the end...kesä.85...13.heinä
which does not occur in the original UTF-8 CSV ? -
Here's v1.3 http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG_ReportConverter
It is more robust.
The cells for VOLUME/X,Y,Z/LENX,LENY,LENZ are now converted 'by-header', rather than by column index.
So an 'inch' report file that has been manually edited can still be converted, even when column order is changed.
The default cell 'separator' of a comma [,
] and for all cells below the first header-row surrounded with""
is used for the converted CSV, BUT the original input CSV can use any separator format - e.g. default","
or plain,
or a TAB [\t
] etc...
It also now forces the CSV encoding into "UTF-8-without-BOM" [>=v2014], so if the CSV file has been edited and ill-advisedly saved as ANSI it will still be read in OK, although note that some obscure Unicode accented-characters might get replaced by '?' where they cannot be converted... -
Here's v1.4 http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG_ReportConverter The encoding fix now only applies in SketchUp >= v2014 [previous typo allowed it to try on earlier versions too!], so this now allows the tool to be used with earlier versions again, but they might have issues with oddly encoded strings in edited descriptions etc...
Also the robustness of the column spotting is improved. -
I have a question... It's very important!
I have Sketchup 2013 pro (In spanish)
I have download this plugins, because I need the report in meters no inches.
But, when I generate that in excel, it continues to be in inches! I don't know what happens...
Help me please... -
@bealj said:
I have a question... It's very important!
I have Sketchup 2013 pro (In spanish)
I have download this plugins, because I need the report in meters no inches.
But, when I generate that in excel, it continues to be in inches! I don't know what happens...
Help me please...
Do you have the latest version [v1.4] ?
Do you use a ',' as a decimal-separator - instead of '.' ?
Although I have tested it in both formats and it works for me.
The 'headings' which are converted are the columns X Y Z LENX LENY LENZ and VOLUME ?
Are yours ?
Can you send me the original report CSV [in inches] by Private Message, so I can look into it... -
Here's v1.5 http://sketchucation.com/pluginstore?pln=TIG_ReportConverter
Have have finally tracked down the issue with failures in some locales...
Turns out that although X/Y/Z and LENX etc are common headings in the Generated Report, other headings may be changed to suit a locale - so EN-US's 'ENTITY VOLUME' becomes 'ELEMENTVOLUMEN' in German etc.
The headings are used to find the columns to adjust as the Volume is not consistently put in Column-G.
This fix now looks for a match to /[Vv][Oo][Ll][Uu][Mm][Ee]/ in the column header [this applies to all Latin based alphabets], or a match to 'Volume' translated into various other locales - like RU,JA,KO,CH
Hopefully this will now resolve the issues reported from other locales... -
I'm afraid my english doesn't reach a disussion.
But the image shows more than words can say.Hope this is helpful.
OK Barbara[D],
I guess this is a follow up from an earlier discussion, 'elsewhere'.I believe that the Generate-Report CSV made in the German locale still uses '.' as the decimal separator.
Your Excel setting might well then display the data using ,
I am aware of the two competing conventions for decimal-points [. versus ,] and separating 'thousands':
UK/USA etc 1,234.5 or 1 234.5
and EU etc 1.234,5 or 1 234,5
But as far as I can see those settings don't affect the original CSV format.
It is not formatted to locale in the original CSV or the converted version.If you use the v1.5 is it converted OK ?
That is, inches >>> metres !
The 'format' is unchanged.
Can you post the original CSV and the converted CSV.
ZIP then so they can be attached to a post.
You'll probably need to get at least one more post approved by an Admin before you can make attachments... -
@tig said:
This fix now looks for a match to /[Vv][Oo][Ll][Uu][Mm][Ee]/ in the column header [this applies to all Latin based alphabets], or a match to 'Volume' translated into various other locales - like RU,JA,KO,CH
Hopefully this will now resolve the issues reported from other locales...Will the Plugin contain "zh-tw" in future?
Chinese characters be replaced by '?' -
@neroro said:
@tig said:
This fix now looks for a match to /[Vv][Oo][Ll][Uu][Mm][Ee]/ in the column header [this applies to all Latin based alphabets], or a match to 'Volume' translated into various other locales - like RU,JA,KO,CH
Hopefully this will now resolve the issues reported from other locales...Will the Plugin contain "zh-tw" in future?
Chinese characters be replaced by '?'
It's hard to fix non-ASCII characters in the reports.
The best it can do is not-trip up on them.
Also with <= v2013 I think it would not be possible at all.
My only intention is to change lengths and volumes from the default 'inches' into the user's choice - say 'meters'. -
hello - i installed this plugin and it does a great job - many thanx
yet - i went to great trouble to have the 'dot' or '.' that i have on teh numeric key pad to make a 'comma' so that it would work in a spreadsheet to seperate entires from decimals in the language setting - i believe - that i have.
now, after applying the plugin, the colums for values come with the 'dot'seperator --- uuuugh
so - may spreadsheet program sees them as texts and not as numbers - bugger.can i fix this without changing the setting i went through trouble to make?
many thanx
geert-hugo -
I will make a new modell without IFC import. Maybe it will be easier to read.
v1.5 almost perfect now.
By importing, I forgot to unhock the space seperator.
In colum A there are more words with space. That toggled the colums.
Don't really need colum A + B. What are they for? Rather groups and komponents would be helpfull.Edit:
what happend to the Report in SU 2016? That's nothing I would need.
The Converter dosen't work anymore. What a pitty.
Made new files and it looks much better. Congratulations it is Meter.