Enhance viewport quality
Hey Guys!
IĀ“m wondering if itĀ“s somehow possible to enhance the viewport quality of sketchup?
Something like Styles do (for example sketchy edges), but realtime and not only when you stop orbiting.I tried Lightup, which does more or less what i want, but is much too slow to work with.
I donĀ“t need big enhancement, but a little bit would be just fine.
The thing is, that i want to use "edddison for sketchup".
http://extensions.sketchup.com/de/content/edddisonThis Plugin works really nicely, but uses the viewport, so as you can imagine the "quality" is drafting style.
Anybody some ideas?
Thanks in Advance
Ben -
We tested a solution shortly. We combined SketchUp & LightUp and made the walk through with edddison. Please read a tut how to do http://edddison.com/improve-quality-sketchup-lightup-walkthrough-edddison/