Making rounded corners without a flat surface
Hi, I'm having trouble rounding the corners on this windowsill I'm trying to make. I can round the corners and push-pull it out, but then I haven't got a flat surface to apply my curve to. I'm sure there's an easy way to do this but I can't get my head around it!
This is a job for Follow Me!!!! [Cue the super hero music]
Yeah I have tried follow me but I keep making a mess of it. Not sure what I'm missing
I edited my post to include a quick screen shot. Does that look sort of like what you're after?
Yes it looks perfect. But how do I start off? Do I pull a rectangle out first?
In that case I drew the profile and a path (the 3 lines above) and ran Follow Me to create the shape. You could draw the "board" and cut off the edges with profiles in much the same way you would do it to a real board with a router cutter. Follow Me can be additive as in my example or subtractive. It depends on what you want to start with.
Dave's got you sorted there but here's a couple of action shots to show how the path relates to the profile.
Thanks so much to both of you. This has been very helpful.