Animating Water Spray
Roland, that is the best attempt I have seen - really impressive.
Are you saying that you bought and then sold a Lumion license again? How did you sell it?
It does look impressive but I'm pretty scared of forking out 1500 euros if I'm not going to get it back again....
Roughly how long did it take to set up that animation?
NOTE: You embed into sketchucation using the "Insert Web Video" button but you need to change "https" to "http" in the youtube URL:
"Are you saying that you bought and then sold a Lumion license again? How did you sell it?"
I see licences on sale at the Lumion forum posted by members. I have not sold mine but when I didn't upgrade last time one of the support staff sent me a note saying I could sell if I wanted.. I will be moving to pro 5. At the moment I am still at version 3.2.1. I am a pretty small company so like you I am waiting till I have a fund built up to move ahead. I will be going to 5 as soon as I can. For sure the new year.
"It does look impressive but I'm pretty scared of forking out 1500 euros if I'm not going to get it back again...."
I like the Lumion guys (owners/developers) a lot and I try when I can to sell their product. Not for money but because I want them to prevail. I don't think you will want your money back if you are going to continue to visualize things....(but wait!)
"Roughly how long did it take to set up that animation?"
I did not took less than 5 minutes to do this so to get it looking real cool probably a couple of hours.
Tell you what. You complete the model and I will animate it for you. I don't think you should be under pressure to buy anything. Next time you can buy it and do it yourself.
I wouldn't volunteer for this unless it was easy.Cheers!
p.s. thanks for the tip
Wow, thats an amazing offer.
I'm still only part ways into the project so it will be a few more weeks before I animate it.
How is Lumion's object animation in your opinion? For example, in this animation I would need to show the truck moving forward, the brushes moving in on the side of the truck, wheels turning if possible.
Is Lumion capable of all this? I assume I export from SU to Lumion?
If the animation environment is outside of SU how do you handle the need to make tweaks to geometry and then re-animate?
You'll have to charge Lumion a commission if I end up buying!
" I would need to show the truck moving forward, the brushes moving in on the side of the truck, wheels turning if possible."
Yes all those things are easy to achieve. Like anything else we do I will go through a few iterations before I am satisfied. I would rate their object animation at a good solid 7 out of 10.
You just need to send me the skp and I can do the rest. There is an exporter for Lumion 5 to SU. 3.2.1 you simply export to file and then open so it is a manual process but just one extra click. If you see changes you want to make you just send me the edited file and I will reload. It is very easy to work many iterations.
These animations render in minutes not hours so again re-cooking is just a push of a button.I am very busy at the moment so after Christmas if possible is best for me. If you need it before that I am still willing to get it done.
Ok, let me tidy this thing up, set up an animation plan and I'll get back to you.
lol try this
i think lumion is way overpriced and i don't like the renders same photorealism as mikey mouse.. -
Just in case anyone was distracted by that last post. Here is a taste of one of those micky mouse animations with stock Lumion. -
i see.."De gustibus non disputandum est" so if you love lumion that's fine.. BUT give a look at this.. and then anyone it's free to judge by himself the capabilityes of a 2000$application vs a 3000$ application so both intended to be professional grade packaging but i think if your work frequently belongs to water dinamics renders and so on the realism offered by software like houdini and similar packagings is so outstanding that in comparison lumion look like totally fake NPR renderings.. just my opinion.. if you like them just stuk with'em it's fine for me.. peace and love..
sorry for my poor english
I will not debate your point because there is some truth in it. Your English makes it come off a little harsh though.
I do this because it gets me work. In fact so much that I am going to hire a modeller for the first time in my career. (my Once upon a time I came across a product that stopped me in it's tracks. I turned it on and played with it all day like a big kid. About half way through that same day it came out of the blue like lightening (or I guess that would be black) struck me that I could make money with this thing. "This thing" was Sketchup. That day I got a feeling I have had only one other time since.
That other time was my first day with Lumion.Lumion has it's limits for the consummate rendering artist. But so far it has no limits for me in terms of earning power. I am not a talented rendering artist. I am a hard working illustrator who loves his tools and has found a way to make money with them.
Thank you Sketchup!
Thank you Lumion!
My life is much richer because you exist. -
"I will not debate your point"
What I forgot to mention is, I am willing to debate you but through my work. If you want to talk, you take a copy of the model when it is available after Christmas and we will have a go.
I'll be proud to let the forum judge at that point where the value is.
i 100% understand your point when you say sketchup is easy and productive and maybe fun to use and so maybe lumion.. i also understand that you want to have the faster and easier result and you don't want to learn a specific supermodeler/simulator software, also i have to say this is the very same exact reason why i actually don'use houdini and i use sketchup instead for my actual work..
but some time ago i had some fun actually experimenting whit demo version of phoenix PD runningon my friend's 3dsmax.. actually this kid of software may appear intimidating from a sketchup user point of view whit so mmuch parameters and stuff.. but if you are not doing hollywood VFX in your everyday job (actually i think you won't neiter be paid to make enchanted forests in lumion
) then handling some pretty basic simulations which can be useful let'say for you actual car-wash or fireplace or maybe some simple fountains and so on..
i never get paid for some of this renders but the day i will do.. i will for sure consider try to learn some basic houdini (from what i can read here and there, "phoenix fd" which i tested is also a toy in comparison to houdini and it is not standalone you need 3dsmax or maya to run it) houdini can also model and render by itself and again my bad english don'help me to understand 100% but it seems to exist a cheap version of houdini you can use if you are not into film industry so i'think i will try this for fun as soon as possible..
to demostrate the relative easiness of use of this kinds of fluid simulators thake a look at this jokes me and my friend did on a laptop having fun for an afternoon with phoenix.. and with a couple of click you can also pick collision objects like in the chocolate example below.. this can easily avoid the "mikey mouse effect" of the lumion water splashes wich penetrate into the car glasses in your example..
let's consider we did this in an afternon because we were learning but the tutorial guy do this simulations in maybe 12mins and i would bet this could be set up in a couple of minute if you have a minimum of experience and you are actually on deadline and not doing tutorials and explaing every step.i apologize again for my bad english but maybe it's still better than your italian
" If you want to talk, you take a copy of the model when it is available after Christmas and we will have a go."
For this you have no answer so I guess the debate is over. I didn't think you would surrender so quickly.
So at this point we are done talking.
I'll be waiting here if you find your pants. -
i was suggesting to try something specific not "competing" or insulting so i'm very happy to "surrend"
go on insultig and competing all alone. i'm too busy searching for my pants..
so.. have a nice day. -
@ashscott.... I wasn't kidding in case you thought I forgot.
Yeah I get ya Roland - and I really appreciate the offer. But I currently have Four SU files that make up the basic animation and their continually changing as we review parts of the animation. Its such an iterative process, there is literally dozens of hours of animation work to be done.
I'll PM you a short example animated with Keyframe so you can see what I mean
Iteration is my middle name.
I work for an firm that does storefront restorations. We take the present building and peel back the layers to find the original. Every window, door, every brick for that matter is reviewed and iterations are developed until the owner is satisfied. Here is a link to some images in process and being traded at the moment. I have completed more than 50 in the last year and I have a list of 29 and counting to complete.
[url][/]I'm happy to take back the offer. As you can see I have my hands full.
Cheers! -
I made a mess of the URL and as you know we can't edit here in the fish tank so here is another attempt
Returning to original question, I do not believe any SU friendly animation software can help with what you need, I would use Blender fluid/water physics to solve this problem. I bet you could learn it in a day and have a great result in 3.
Something was sent to my PM but it was just a the front end of the PM system itself. I didn't even see a "reply" I am responding here.
I don't think you can send me a file bigger than a flea so don't worry. There is really no need to send me the file anyway....cheers!