SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
No, I do have hardware acceleration checked.
I just don't have a very good graphics card in my laptop. It does have both onboard graphics and a separate NVIDIA graphics card, but unfortunately it's soldered right to the motherboard, so no chance of upgrading the bugger.
I would consider upgrading to a more capable laptop, but to be perfectly honest my laptop just isn't that important to me. I've been building my own computers for many years, and the idea of having something that I can't take apart and play with and upgrade the hell out of it really turned me off, but SAM's had a really good deal on this one (a Dell Inspiron N7110) so I figured I'd give it a shot, just for something to do at the coffee shops besides reading. BTW, I never, ever connect to the internet while I'm away from home, I don't use WIFI for anything, too slow and WAY too insecure. Here at home I use a hard wired router and modem, with the router plugged into a remote controlled outlet. That way with just a click I can connect to the internet for as long as I need to and then immediately disconnect. Minimizes my chances of the bad guys finding me
But anyhow, I wan't expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised how well it did work with SU, although it was very sluggish with the larger models.
Well, now it's no longer sluggish (with 2015) and works pretty darn good, except for the handful of larger models I have.
So I'll live with it and be thankful that it works so well now the majority of my models. If I feel the need to work on one of the big ones I'll just wait till I get home.
Wow, this is turning into a book, don't know why I'm rambling so much except I'm really really tired, been building some ramps to store my good vehicle in the barn for the winter. I hate Michigan, I hate lake-effect snow, and I just don't understand why, with today's technology, they can't come up with a cost-effective, non-corrosive alternative to using massive amount of salt on the roads.
Jeez, rambling again.
Thanks for your efforts with this, much appreciated.
Have a good one. -
Make sure you have set SU to work with the Nvidia, I have a laptop with two cards and when you don't force it to use the better card it gets lazy.
@box said:
Make sure you have set SU to work with the Nvidia, I have a laptop with two cards and when you don't force it to use the better card it gets lazy.
Thanks Box,
Yeah, I don't let it use the crappy (well, crappier) onboard graphics
Should that be saying Google?
@box said:
Should that be saying Google?
Ummm....not sure what you mean. Oh wait, you mean since SU is no longer a Google program.
Well, I selected 2015 from the options, and for whatever reason that's the way it displays it
It will open the large models, even do the shadow ok, but when I try to rotate it, it will let me do it maybe a couple of times, and then it crashes. I wait a good amount of time between the moves to let the cpu settle down.
Bottom line - it's a crappy low-end graphics card and I'm asking it to do things it's just not up to doing. Whaddya gonna do
I've got a VW graphics card and I'm trying to drive it like a Ferrari
I was suggesting that you turn off hardware acceleration. that way you won't be trying to use the videocard as much. it will work with "software acceleration".
Might try it.
@krisidious said:
I was suggesting that you turn off hardware acceleration. that way you won't be trying to use the videocard as much. it will work with "software acceleration".
Might try it.
Well, I tried it - the model looked like absolute crap, but tried shadows anyway, waited about 4 minutes (Shadow Setting - not responding), finally had to use Task Manager to shut it down.
Hey, it was worth a shot, right? -
yeah... damn. where's the SU Crew. this just sounds odd to me.
Thank you Trimble Sketchup team.
2015 Pro is working well for me. It’s stable & fast, not sure if that has to do with bug fixes (from 2014) or 64bit?
Also, thanks for not messing with the UI. I use sizer to set the window to specific size for post-processing in Photoshop. I was able to on the fly change from 2014 to 2015. Which worked out great since I had a couple of large SU files that needed exporting to png.
Glenn -
@glenn said:
It’s stable & fast, not sure if that has to do with bug fixes (from 2014) or 64bit?
That would be the number of bug fixes we did unrelated to 64bit.
Not for VISTA Ultra 64?? So Sad
my Sketchup 2015-2016 wishlist is to integrate sketchup with BIM with parametric object so when imported to Archicad or Revit export will be no problem.
SU now has the IFC classifier system. It should work with Revit. Check it out.
Bargain Basement BIM. SketchUP 2014 now has native IFC.
Want more BIM for your bucks?? The democratization of BIM has begun with the announcement that Trimble SketchUP now supports and exports to IFC. As just posted on the SketchUP UPdate blog, for $500US you can now inter-operate with the most sophisticated (and expensive) tools in the #BIMbusiness, with one of the cheapest and easiest…
ThinkBIM™ (
Is the ability to dock toolbars on the side new or have I just been missing it all this time?
@krisidious said:
Is the ability to dock toolbars on the side new or have I just been missing it all this time?
Fraid so...
In a couple of years I'll tell you you can dock them at the bottom too.
I hang my head in shame...
I must say I'm a bit miffed that vista isn't supported. Having to buy a new OS is ridiculous.