Camera Views Toolbar with SketchUp Make
I think you want the one called Views.
That is exactly what I needed, but (just plain daft I am) I was looking at "View - Tool Palettes" and not reading down to the bottom with "View - Customise Toolbar. Mea culpa - thank you very much.
One of those little differences between PC and Mac.
And aside from the fact that I am currently considering how to strangle, drown and physically pummel Yosemite into the ground, (lots of issues and I should have known better than to upgrade too soon) I do love my Mac.
@dave r said:
One of those little differences between PC and Mac.
Ah, I was wondering.
My problem is I only use Mac in German and then it is only troubleshooting the little womans. -
Kathryn, thank you for confirming for me why I'm not "upgrading" to Yose-mite.
Just wait a while - don't write it off altogether. My dearest nephew (for whom I work) might be a brilliant event designer, but he is rather hopeless with his computer and ignores upgrades to the point where none of his apps work anymore being all incompatible, or he can't open files from clients, and then he screams for help and we go to find that he is for example still using Snow Leopard, and... has ignored all requests to update his OSX.
It might as said be a bit of a nuisance, but they always work it out in the end. Just wish they could get it right from the beginning. To be honest, the only advantage I see to this upgrade is a better (according to Apple) integration of information between all devices and increased icloud capability. We shall see...
Yeah. I'll upgrade eventually but I don't see any reason to rush into it.
Oh yeah, Yosemite looks good, but you want to give the developers a chance to make your most important apps fully compatible to new OS versions.
There's always something new to get used to or to wish they had not changed, but generally I am happy with how Apple keeps what is important (to me) in the interface. Just wish the toolbars were more like Windows in SU.
SU v2015 is working great on Yosemite, I only needed a couple of Plugin updates [that where available].
I know I'm letting people know on every thread that mentions Yosemite, but it is worth upgrading SU if you are running Yosemite...
You can keep v8/v13/v14 as well but they'll still have to wait for any 'Text' or 'Atos' patches...john