Sketchucation 3d Trees (20 species) package.
Rich's Sketchucation 3d Trees (20 species) package.
I am not getting much lighting on the leaves rendering with Twilight. Would there be some settings to look at? In the documentation with the trees, an image shows sun light on some leaves, giving some definition and volume. My trees look dark. Using a preset "exterior progressive" rendering.
Which pack is it? The Fir trees?
No it's called Sketchup 3D Trees VI
I believe Oli's Tree Line is 2D... Rich's trees are 3D. He's asking how to get proper lighting on the leaves.
My point was that I think he has mixed it up because Oli has a set of 20 3d trees and he has asked for ones from rich. By finding the relevant thread you would be asking the question of the right person or at least clear up the confusing regarding which package.
Ah... Has the Author mixed up... I see.
This would probably be the appropriate thread.
.;t=51416 -
Are you talking about Oli's trees. Would it not make sense to ask your question in the actual thread.