Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
There is a camapign going on to try and block the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
It is described here:
Seems like it should be something that should concern all EU citizens.
Bob -
Hi Bob,
Glad to see other people concerned.
Thanks for the links.
Here is what we plan to do in Nîmes on october 11th:;t=58989
We shall all rise up against those treaties which are only in favour of
transnational companies.Patrice
There have been a few comments in the Guardian, but otherwise, those who have and are negotiating this deal have managed to keep the whole thing very low key.
More questions and answers on contentious TTIP trade deal | @guardianletters
Letters: There are many arguments for and against the TTIP. But they deserve to be debated on their wmerits, not by scaremongering
the Guardian (
The TTIP deal hands British sovereignty to multinationals | Owen Jones
Owen Jones: Cameron’s and Ukip’s backing for a treaty that lets corporations devour public services exposes their duplicity
the Guardian (
A major concern is the privitisation of the NHS
EU/US Free Trade Agreement (or TTIP)
Free trade agreements (FTAs) might seem a million miles from the NHS. However, FTAs are not just about the trading of goods. They also cover services (sometimes defined as “anything you can&…
Patients4NHS (
An extract:
How could TTIP affect the NHS? Many believe that one of the biggest prizes of the agreement for transnationals will be the NHS. When it was first established, the NHS was set up on the basis of social solidarity – everyone contributed to the cost of providing the NHS through taxes, and in return healthcare was provided by the state and available for those who needed it, when they needed it. The Health and Social Care Act (2012) and the regulations for implementing it (Section 75) have changed the fundamental nature of the NHS. By fragmenting the NHS, opening it up to competition law and turning the NHS into a market in which private companies can compete for NHS funding for patient services, the HSC Act has turned the NHS from a social into a commercial activity. This means that it can now be included within FTAs.
Bob -
I already signed against TTIP etc. on this german website
@elmer said:
Here is what we plan to do in Nîmes on october 11th:
I think it's the same all over europe this day, at least here in germany too. I really hope that the people in europe will wake up and vote against this shit!
@ watkins :
"There have been a few comments in the Guardian, but otherwise, those who have and are negotiating this deal have managed to keep the whole thing very low key."This is so right... and so far from "democracy"
@ numerobis :
"I really hope that the people in Europe will wake up and vote against this shit!"Let's hope people in the US will do the same, they are as much concerned as we are.
Here under, made with LO, the flyer for Saturday meeting, in French of course
@elmer said:
Let's hope people in the US will do the same, they are as much concerned as we are.
I hope so!
Here is the new EU-wide campaign. I have signed today. Please! Everyone must support this! Sign it share it, make it big!
Thanks Bob for raising this matter and also numerobis for the ECI link.
The elite 1% of parasitic globalists will keep going until the host (the 99% remaining world population) are sucked dry and nothing remains but a carcass!
I see the student debt in the USA is running at $1.2 trillion or $1,200,000,000,000 and is more or less enslaving many students as they have little or no hope of repaying their loans. Heck, even if they file for bankruptcy the weight still remains!
Here is a Forbes article,
How The $1.2 Trillion College Debt Crisis Is Crippling Students, Parents And The Economy think it might be time to make limited liability companies totally liable particularly the BIG corporations. When they first came about their charters asserted that they existed first and foremost to serve the public. That was their only reason for being. Now it feel like big corporations are there for one reason, profit at any cost, environmental or human it matters not!
This is an interesting read that casts some light, Corporations and the Public Interest'll make this topic sticky for a while so others can row in.
Join in on saturday 11th :
@mayor Mike :
Thanks for making this topic sticky.
Watkins comment is so true :
"those who have and are negotiating this deal have managed to keep the whole thing very low key." -
A little bit disapointed by so few people involved by what is going on....
So for those who prefer drawings to litterature :
Please don't be disheartened Elmer.
Food for thought
Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.
Alexander HamiltonOne of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.
PlatoI've emailed all of the eleven Irish MEPs and provided links and asked to know where they stand on the TTIP matter.
Here is a link to all MEPs if anyone wants to take the same approach,
European Parliament / MEPs (with email links)
Uk politicians really don't like that 38 Degrees is representing the views of members of the public that are against this - Sound clip of the inquisition.
When Big Business is involved most current political parties in power will Kowtow to their masters!
Its good to see public debate taking place. More people should do their own research and form their own opinions and then voice them as loudly as they can.
There is no excuse not to be well informed these days with the Net.