Zachery Engineering
This needs a light to be shined on it. So take look and be amazed.
Wow, connection details in color and in 3D. You could frame these prints and call them art!
Thanks. Very cool. The engineers who were brought onboard by Nick Sonder.
The contractors must love the clarity and detail made possible by 3d and color.
These are high-ticket projects. I don't see how else they can put so much work into the drawings. However it probably pays off working with Nick and in handling the complexity of the designs.
Actually I am amazed.
It continues to reinforce that SU is capable in preparing construction documents. I haven't made the leap to SU for a complete set of con docs. When see stuff like this I really want to. The workflow and techniques are not all there yet for me.
Anytime you can detail a set to this degree it will diminish onsite errors.