V-Ray fast start
Thank you Tandem
Very very helpful -
Good Luck Majid.
I sent you a message.
Thank you Oli, your are always helpful
After some editions and final touches it is finally released in pdf format and 83 pages.
tried to simplify while keeping encouraging and tight as much as possible.
you may take a look at : http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LUNMO1O please
Thank you all, for helps.
it'd be nice to have your feedback.Majid
You can search for "book on demand" or "print on demand" to find possibilities for selling printed copies...
(example list from quick google search: http://www.dmoz.org/Business/Publishing_and_Printing/Publishing/Self-Publishing/On_Demand/ ) -
What I've prepared is a kindle version.
Is there any other simple, way to prepare other formats for sale? -
Just saw this:
lots of votes...
But is there any rule that prohibit them from re-distributing this book?
I am keen to know if anybody here has a feedback on my e-book?
What is your opinion about the V-Ray v.3? what suggestions do you have?
Eager to know about those who have bought the e-book and see their resulting renders. -
I am really impressed by feedback and responses! (kidding)
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=58560, first of all I must thank for kind feedback and confess that due to the fact thaat my book covers V-Ray V2x version it would be great if I had the chance to prepare a book on V3x version of V-Ray as it is more user friendly...
As the change rates are so fast that it seems I must wait for V4x...