Hidden layers appearing in Layout
Here's the problem.
In my Sketchup model, I've got a building over multiple levels, with each level in its own group/layer. In order to hide the edges so that the exterior wall looks like one continuous surface, I have an "Always Off" layer that I assign to the common lines and set this to off in any scene I create to set a 2D view for Layout.
However, when I use the created scene in Layout, the lines on this "Always Off" layer appear in the views when they should be switched off ie hidden.
Below is two view, one showing the view in Sketchup and the other showing the view in layout.

Yeap. The same problem for my Layout models 2014. I didn't find solution. So i stop to work with Layout and skecthup 2014.
@jsnmcclintock said:
...However, when I use the created scene in Layout, the lines on this "Always Off" layer appear in the views when they should be switched off ie hidden..
Did you test this problem with the newest M1 maintenance that was released somewhere in June?
So what you're doing is putting the edges of a face on a particular layer and turning it off in your elevation scenes to ensure it doesn't show?
If you are putting edges or faces on other layers in SketchUp, you're using layers incorrectly. Why don't you post an example LO file that illustrates the problem you're having. There's way too much needed information missing from just a couple of screen shots.
When I read your OP It sounds like you have the exterior wall surfaces stacked, and you are hiding the edges to show a continuous skin. However the image you show looks more as if an interior floor edge is showing--the lines do not extend to the corner. So regardless of technique, could it be some other culprit than the one you are looking at?
This is a common workflow problem (the hiding of edges in a "continuous" surface made of separate groups). You can just hide them without the use of layers. Sometimes though they have a way of becoming "unhidden" or redrawn if one is not careful--but should work.
The way I've done this before is to just hide the top edge of the slab and bottom edge of the wall; this way it doesn't display.