[Plugin] FloorGenerator ( Updated 6-Apr-2017)
@nero007 said:
Can anyone help me with this plugin?
Please read the thread. This extension is no longer available.
Too bad none of the ruby gurus want to take a jab at reviving this plugin... Seems to be quite popular.
@jenujacob said:
Too bad none of the ruby gurus want to take a jab at reviving this plugin... Seems to be quite popular.
If you read the author's comments, the reason it is no longer available is because he was unjustly accused of copyright infringement. I'm sure it isn't worth his time or money to fight that accusation for an extension he's giving away for free. I'd be surprised if any of the other Ruby gurus would want to do that either.
Hi Dave. Yes I am aware of that issue. However I couldn't find what exactly caused the infringement. Is it the code used? Or the method of solving or the UI? Because without knowing what exactly caused the infringement, how can a work around be found? I am no plugin developer nor code writer, so maybe what I said is just utter nonsense.
The exact "cause" of the copyright infringement has not been made public as far as I know. It may be the author was told only that there was an accusation of copyright infringement and nothing more.
Could it be the name?
As there is a 3DS Max plugin called Floorgenerator. -
That similar tools' 'name' shouldn't be seen as a "copyright" infringement - it'd be more like a "trademark" infringement - if anything.
Both tools do something very similar, but they work in different applications, with no overlap, and share no common code - it's just wording and names ?
It not "passing-off" as it works on a different app, and claims no connection with the earlier tool !
The author of this tool makes nothing from its publication, and does not in any meaningful way disadvantage the owners of that tool with a similar name...Unfortunately when Trimble complained to Google, they have never told the author SDM, anything useful as to WHY they served that "infringement" notice.
Had they done so, then he could have simply changed the name, or made other simple fixes !
It is wholly unacceptable state of affairs when a powerful company can use another powerful company to stifle a tool like this, and offer no real explanation and recourse to appeal etc - you are deemed guilty until proved innocent, and given no chance to appeal against the accusation - which is never explained anyway - what happened to "habeus corpus" and the last few hundred years of the cannon of common-law and precedent ?Another minor issue I noticed at the time, was that it reused a small extract of special shape-calculating code, copied from an earlier [no longer supported] script - but the
notice in that script did allow for that - provided that an acknowledgement was given in the code - unfortunately that wasn't, BUT it'd been easy to add it in - and I can't believe that the author of that code has complained - he could simply have written to SDM !
Not implying anything but what if a script is encrypted (rbe)?
Then no one could know if any code is copied from another source.About Floorgenerator script. What if he removed that part of the script?
Is there any possible way to get this extension, since it is 'no longer available' on this website?
@benmacfarlane said:
Is there any possible way to get this extension, since it is 'no longer available' on this website?
No legitimate way unless the author chooses to share it. There are other extensions out there that can do similar things. Best option at this time is to look at them. Some have been mentioned in this thread.
I need the plugin and i cant find it. anyone can help? my email [mod=:a6grnt34]e-mail removed from post[/mod:a6grnt34]
@yipei said:
I need the plugin and i cant find it.
You need to read this thread. The plugin has been withdrawn by the author and is not available. The reason has been explained in the thread.
Hi Andrew.
Thank you. And Happy New Year to you as well.
ciao, questo Γ¨ un ottimo plugin