Recommend a few Interior Renderers
Thea render has Thea4SU. It is fantastic! Interactiv render in SU using GPU. Final render using both GPU and CPU - very fast, very good quality. I suggest try it.
Twilight and Maxwell are two more that work within SU. I'm sure there are others.
Like the look of Twilight as Maxwell seems to have size and other limitations.
Having biased, unbiased and interactive render modes - was a bit confused by this statment. Should I be looking at all 3 or is one more important when choosing a renderer?
@unknownuser said:
more important when choosing a renderer?
The more important is the easy use!
The more funny is LightUp!
And when you have "one render" you have really any 3D positions and orientations in really "Real Time" inside Sketchup and this is very amazing!@unknownuser said:
I will never want to go for a photo realistic render, just something that looks like it was well drawn by a sketchy hand!
Any render you will choose you can also use some free program like Fotoskecher for have sketchy render from your photorealist images!
Try Suforyou it's also an amazing plugin for crazzy volumes inside Sketchup!
The more funny is LightUp!
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@syburn said:
The more funny is LightUp!
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I would venture to say he means "most enjoyable"
"Funny" seems to be Pilou's catchall adjective.
@unknownuser said:
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Of course yes! Pleasant - easy - amusing - delightful - great fun - intense pleasure - enjoyable - etc...
Sorry I am not native English ... so i am very rustic! -
@unknownuser said:
Sorry I am not native English ... so i am very rustic!
I only meant my correction in the kindest way Pilou
We all speak the common language of Sketchup here -
Well thats good then! Id the software is fun thats an added bonus! Seems a bit pricey compared to Twilight. Should try them both out.
I would try, it computes such images in the minutes:
There is free version with resolution limit, and pro cost is only about 60$ till 1.10.2014.
brighter 3D does look good, although im not really an expert. Better think hard to decide if it will be better than Twilight or Light up and see if I can catch the sale.