[Plugin] Add comments to your file
@inteloide said:
Hello !
Not a lot of answers...
Only 6 downloads...
Just post the new version, that introduce the follow updates:
Added : Update checking ! To be sure to have the latest version of the plugin !Added : Change button icon to a menu.PS : Note that plugin try to load an external javascript code from http://bgsketchup.esy.es. This code allow the plugin to check the latest version. No information is transfered to the website. The script only send to Sketchup the latest version.
just installed version 2.1.0
i was eager to try the possibility to insert a link in a comment
but for me it doesn't work... at least, as i thought it wouldi was expecting the possibility to link to a webpage; but when i click on it, nothing happens; parameters can be set for the link, but they are not documented in the help file (yet)
i suppose i am missing something
After many atempts, i understood i had to keep the finger pressed on the mouse and drag from the button just below the cross; the bar with additionnal buttons would appear and disappear just after i move the mouse, otherwise
i haven't used this plugin in a real situation, yet, but i shall if i manage to get an active link to a webpage
Hello glro !
Please try the new version (2.2.0), the hyperlink follow function is now implemented.
Checked the options : you may change the way to follow a link : by double click or simple click, by pressing 'ctrl' in parallel or not... It's you who decide !Note also that, if you run plugin before to update, you should have a prompt that told you to update the plugin, with a link to this forum. I hope it works !
Let me know if everything works ok for you !
@inteloide said:
Hello glro !
Please try the new version (2.2.0), the hyperlink follow function is now implemented.
Checked the options : you may change the way to follow a link : by double click or simple click, by pressing 'ctrl' in parallel or not... It's you who decide !Note also that, if you run plugin before to update, you should have a prompt that told you to update the plugin, with a link to this forum. I hope it works !
Let me know if everything works ok for you !
yes, i got a message when i launched the old version, telling me there is a new one
i downloaded and installed iti tried the feature to add a web link in a comment: it works !
not at the first time: it took me a few seconds to understand you have to press CTRL while you clic on the link to make it work; i should have red the help window at first... double click seems more natural to me thoughbut this feature widens a lot the possibilities; for example, you can upload a document to dropbox, and link the model to this document to give textual information about the model
you have reached the perfection; congratulation!
please have a look at options, you can choose if you want to click or double click to follow a link, with or without pressing on ctrl key at same time.
Glad this function fits your wish !
Any chance you could post an SU file which includes comment tabs with a link to a URL and a tab with a link to an image file so I can see how the field entries were made?
@jclements said:
Any chance you could post an SU file which includes comment tabs with a link to a URL and a tab with a link to an image file so I can see how the field entries were made?
Hello John,
I was updating the help file when I found some issue the hyperlink system.
To add a link, you should select the text click on link (infinity sign) icon and past the linkin the field URL (increase comment plugin window if required). But it looks like sometime hyperlink doesn't work : you cannot open the link...By removing options (ctrl key press, double click) it may work, but look not stable...That's maybe the issue you have.
I need to have a look.
HAS ANYBODY ELSE THE ISSUE ?For the image inserting, you have to click on "Picture" icon and past your link to the picture. Just press ok at bottom and your picture will appear. Again, you may need to increase plugin window size to be able to see the "OK" button.
I will have a look to the hyperlink issue and I will upload last version of the help file.
Actually I just post the updated help file (look first post of this thread).
When I close SU and restart, it looks like the link system worked correctly...not stable... -
Inteloide, could you paste some screen shoots where you link to a Google Web album photo and and another to a Google Map location? In both Google apps there is a link box where the link can be copied to the clip board. I am unsure if pasting from the pasteboard into Tab dialog field works as you planned or which field it should be pasted into.
Well I don't have a Google web album...sorry
For a Google map link, I cannot found the field to copy the locailzation, only in the browser web address field, something like : https://www.google.fr/maps/@48.8391153,2.3269406,17z
You can copy and past this address into the link foeld of the plugin.Well, I think tomorrow I will be able to send you a tiny video to explain that.
Hi I,
Check your personal messages for link info. -
Comments-icon_v2.3.5 Test report
An error occurred in IE10Increase Chinese language file
Increase China-Taiwan language files -
thank you for translation : I added it to the plugin.
Please try attached version which should solve your issue, and let me know in order to officially post this version.
Improvements are :
2.3.7 Corrected : Avoid menu error
Optimized : Added chinese languages (thanks to chialiang168)2.3.6: Updated : version of ckeditor update to 4.4.5 Added : Change tab key behavior to add spaces (4) Corrected : enter key now make a simple return to line
I would really like to use this plug-in, but it seems to not save or not load comments that I add. At first it lost comments from one of the two tabs I set up, then it lost everything.
I'm using version 2.3.5 in SketchUp 2015 Pro 64 bit (current build). I really hope you can fix this as I really like it.
Please download version 2.3.7 from the store or from the first post of this thread, and please tell me if solved your issue.
Best regards.
Inteloide -
Thank you for this usefull plugin!
Hi there,
Thanks for the ruby, but where it saves the comments? I lost some tab's comments and can not get it back -
Hello Lê,
Please download the latest update of BGSketchup Library from the store (version 2.3.1).
It may solve your issue.To answer your question, comments are saved inside Model (let's say Inside skp file).
If you loose some comment, you can send me your file (even if you delete everyhting inside) and I will try to recover it.Inteloide
Bonjour Inteloide,
J’utilise depuis quelques semaines votre plugin "Comments v2.3.7".
Il fonctionne correctement sauf qu’à chaque lancement d’un modèle SketchUp comportant des commentaires enregistrés s’affiches les messages tels que les montres les captures d’écrans ci-après :
Est-il possible de solutionner ce problème ?