Get MAC Address
Here is what I can do so far.
and if windows I can parse the output
but with osx I don't know what I should expect
` platform = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase
if ( platform.include?( "win" ))
windows = true
cmd = 'ipconfig /all'
windows = false
cmd = 'ifconfig'
endthen for windows I can redirect the output of ipconfig
null = test(?e, '/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL'
lines = IO.popen("#{ cmd } 2> #{ null }"){|fd| fd.readlines}
puts lines`some of the output for windows
So the Ethernet adapter is usually soldered on the mother board these days and should be reasonably safe.
parse out Physical Address is the MAC Address for the Ethernet` Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Atheros L1 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Controller
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-1D-60-0D-80-87
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes` -
always something new to learn !!!
this works in windows. It would be nice if it would run quitetly.
ipconfig /all
I'm reading that back ticks ` won't work in OSX and that using back ticks in windows is not as secure as the following
puts %x[ipconfig /all]
@garry k said:
I'm reading that back ticks ` won't work in OSX
Where are you reading that? They work fine for me (of course, SU may "beachball" while Ruby blocks waiting for output from a slow command).
This link makes references to it
Getting output of system() calls in Ruby
If I call a command using Kernel#system in Ruby, how do I get its output? system("ls")
Stack Overflow (
@garry k said:
I'm reading that back ticks ` won't work in OSX
where are you reading that? they are interchangeable on a mac. Both return in Ruby Console.
> puts `ifconfig -a | grep "ether"` ether 00;** ;** ;** ;** ;36 ether 00;** ;** ;** ;** ;ad nil > puts %x(ifconfig -a | grep "ether") ether 00;** ;** ;** ;** ;36 ether 00;** ;** ;** ;** ;ad nil
but ifconfig will give you more that one ether, so...
puts (%x(ifconfig -a | grep "ether")).split[1] "00;** ;** ;** ;** ;36" nil
or mac only [I think]
> > puts (%x(netstat -in | grep "en0")).split[3].inspect "00;** ;** ;** ;** ;36" nil
you'll get what you want...
@garry k said:
This link makes references to it
Getting output of system() calls in Ruby
If I call a command using Kernel#system in Ruby, how do I get its output? system("ls")
Stack Overflow (
That link discusses the various ways to capture the output of a system command and security issues that arise from issuing a system command from Ruby. Nowhere does it say that the backtick syntax does not work on Mac OS X!
Garry.. this is safer and faster to use boolean Constants throughout your module(s) [ie, Strings are slow.]
At the top of your module:
MAC = OSX = RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin|mingw/ PC = WIN = (not MAC)
Then say down further:
if WIN # do this else # it's a Mac, do that end
another example, showing a webdialog:
WIN ? : @dlg.show_modal()
@garry k said:
then for windows I can redirect the output of ipconfig
null = test(?e, '/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL'
Why? The
or backquoted string method returns it's
ip = %x[ipconfig /all]
Then parse the stringip
,.. iterate it usingeach_line
it into an array of lines, then usefind
, etc. -
reply_from_ifconig.split("\n").grep("Physical Address")
or similar work on a PC?john
EDIT for something as un-changing as ifconfig on a mac you could use(%x(ifconfig -a)).split("\n")[10].split[1]
@dan rathbun said:
ipa = %x[ipconfig /all].split("\n").grep /\A\s*(Physical Address)/
....Scanning for “Physical Address” only gives a result with an EN/US OS
This works also on the old continent :def MyModule.mac_address platform = RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase iptxt = `#{(platform =~ /win32/) ? 'ipconfig /all' ; 'ifconfig'}` ## delete DHCPv6 ; iptxt.gsub!(/..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-../,"") # delete Tunnel ; iptxt.gsub!("00-00-00-00-","") ## create array with all the physical adresses ; t_array=iptxt.scan(/..\-..\-..\-..\-..\-../) #puts t_array.inspect ## returns first physical adresses if one found return t_array[0] if t_array.length>0 return nil end
There's also this one
mac_MAC = %x(ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk "/IOPlatformUUID/ { print $3; }")
"IOPlatformUUID" = "00000000-0000-1000-8000-00**********"
[my address obscured with ***]john
@dan rathbun said:
DUh... I just stumbled upon GetMAC.exe on my Win 7 machine....
Yes, i have it also on Win8.1
For the MAC-world (Apple-users) is there an equivalent -
@pgarmyn said:
For the MAC-world (Apple-users) is there an equivalent :?:
I just posted it above?
The command ioreg located in /usr/sbin/ioreg is used to display the I/O Kit registry.
@pgarmyn said:
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: @driven
Well, maybe not three thumbs... it's unclear to me if that's a standard or an xtool instal, so a safer bet would be
getMACADDRESS = %x(/usr/sbin/networksetup -getMACADDRESS en0 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $3}' | /usr/bin/sed s/;//g)
which returns
the mac MAC address using standard instal items...
There IS a gem that can be used for reference (perhaps it can be made SketchUp friendly.)
macaddr/lib/macaddr.rb at master · ahoward/macaddr
cross platform mac address determination for ruby. Contribute to ahoward/macaddr development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub (
I'm back at this MAC address - specifically for first Ethernet device.
This code seems to work fine for Windows 7 - but will it work for OSX ??
Has anyone tried this in a French computer or some other language?
` def get_mac_address()
return @mac_address if defined?( @mac_address )@win = ( RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i ) == nil
tmp = ""
str = ""
first = trueif ( @win )
# for windows put results in array - splitting on newline
ipa = %x[ipconfig /all].split("\n")# check begining of string for 'Ethernet' and set flag once found # then check for 'Physical Address' and look at everything after the ':' # set mac_address and return ipa.each {|line| tmp = line.strip str = tmp[0..7] if ( first ) first = false if ( "Ethernet" == str ) elsif ( "Physical" == str ) pos = tmp.rindex( ":" ) @mac_address = tmp[pos+2, tmp.length ] return @mac_address end }
tmp = %x[ifconfig eth0].strip
pos = tmp.rindex( " " )
@mac_address = tmp[pos+1, tmp.length ]
return @mac_address
endreturn ""
end` -
As i said before, this only works for US or EN OS.
The output of ipconfig depends on the OS language.
In French you will have to scan for "adresse physique" and for the other languages.... -
This works in Windows 7
def get_mac_address() return @@mac_address if defined?( @@mac_address ) if ( ( RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i ) == nil ) cmd = 'ipconfig /all' else cmd = 'ifconfig' end macs = [] lines = %x[#{cmd}].split("\n").grep( /^.*\s([0-9a-f|A-F]{2}[:-]){5}([0-9a-f|A-F]{2})$/ ) lines.each{|line| macs << line.strip[-17,17] } @@mac_address = macs.first.gsub( '-', ':' ) return @@mac_address end