Topic Voting Anyone?
limiting votes per ip address, per user?Nevermind... you can keep clicking it up, but it never takes effect.
Will you know if you've been thumbed, in other words, if people use it to acknowledge an answer will you be aware that have responded.
I just voted you down
Aaargh, I really hate that
thing (in general).
Also the buttons are fat & ugly. -
Hmmm, so you only know if someone tells you or if you troll around looking.
Currently yes. Consider this an early alpha.
Where it goes is entirely up to the members.
There maybe the possibility to display your overall score in your profile.
Also we could have the OP dictate the best answer from all the voted replies. So finding future answers is easier for everyone.
I thought, considering your ancestry, you'd love this Gladiator voting?
OK, I understand, I'm more familiar with the "thanks" system which notifies you and is searchable, making it easier to find useful posts. Much like the green tick.
@unknownuser said:
I thought, considering your ancestry, you'd love this Gladiator voting?
(Just gave a thump up to your post) -
This can work the same way.
Every vote is assigned to each account so what we do with that info is entirely flexible.
How we display it is flexible and how we notify you of votes is flexible?
Do you want to see who voted for you? Do you want to be notified when your posts are voted on?
Personally, I don't want to be notifies via mail but I do like the idea of seeing my overall rating whether + or -
What about adding his to the PluginStore?
This really is about giving the community a voice without actually entering the discussion. That is valuable info to have for those that do partake and put their knowledge out there whether right or wrong.
I like the look of it but... could the grey box surrounding the thumbs be transparent? Would make it look nicer with the overall look of the forum and posts.
Please don't thumb me -
vote early, vote often... I just kept adding votes to your post further up just to try out. (Edit: It kept adding it, but it looks like only the one stuck.)
Edit: here's what I mean
Also, It would be great if the thumbs up/ down could be like FB where you can see which user voted up or down. Would certainly help limit the downvote trolling...
You clicked 15 but registered 1 it is a javascript caching issue we are loking at.
But trolling is not an issue
Where did you get those sexy arrows Rich?
@rich o brien said:
But trolling is not an issue
I just mean it might prevent mindless negative clicking, you know, on a bad day...
can you tell I have nothing better to do while waiting for a conference call
@andybot said:
Hey, I can negative vote on my post, but not upvote....
You've only one chance at voting so make it count
I foresee a flurry of negative votes but don't us Macnuts deserve more than squares
Some more info other than just 'squares' would be helpful