[Plugin] FaceSplit v1.0.3
The purpose of such a plugin may be purely graphical, and all the options mentioned are interesting
There is another purpose possible
http://www.spatial.com/products/3d-mesh"3D Mesh provides automatic mesh generation for curves, surfaces (triangle and quadrilateral) and volumes (tetrahedral)"
sketchup is not a real 3d software, since a volume is only a space closed by surfaces
Would it be possible to write a plugin that would do something similar to what 3d mesh does, by drawing lines on the surfaces and between the surfaces
3d mesh may follow different patterns
http://www.ansys.stuba.sk/html/guide_55/g-mod/GMOD7.htmThis mesh could be exported to a structural analysis software
Might be related to Voxelize
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=36063a lot of work, though...
excellent, ill be using that
Thanks for sharing -
very nice!
I was thinking of an added option also: We now have split from vertex, can we add split from midpoint? -
The examples shown below are not features the current version support. These are ideas for possible future updates so please don't be confused by it.From vertices to centeroid (Current function of plugin)
Currently the plugin has no problem when dealing with multiple faces because the existing edges are no sliced. We only add new vertex in center of geometry and reuse the existing face vertices after that.
From medians to centeroid
In this case we do split the existing edges in half and that cause effect we see in the 3rd row of the image. Each face will exponentially increase the number of edges in which the script will divide causing different results each time.
The example in the 2nd row of the image was able to maintain the same amount of edges per face because each color represent a group. Notice none of the same color groups can touch each other.
Will have to figure out a way to reproduce the results in the 2nd row of image without having to make multiple groups. Not sure how at the moment but maybe if I open this to discussion in the development forum it can get solved quickly.When I saw the results on row number 3 of image I sort of like what I saw. Maybe this effect is what someone might want who knows.
glro: That would be ideal for the plugin to reach to that level but first I need to figure out simple stuff like the ones mentioned above. Thanks for your input really appreciate it!
iichiversii: Hey long time no see!!! Glad you found a use for it.
tomot: Yes above I tried demonstrated some of the issues to solve before adding the feature of splitting from medians to centroid.
No need to group ?
Collect all of the faces.
Then collect points for each of the faces - i.e. the 'center' point and the all of the perimeter points needed.
Iterate the points collection - get the 'center' point, then add the new edges from the other points...### pseudo-code... faces=[face1, face2, etc] points=[[face1_points_array], [face2_points_array], etc] ### NOW add edges from each fixed set of points points.each{|pts| cpt=pts.shift ### gets/removes 1st point pts.each{|pt| ents.add_line(cpt, pt) } }
Look what happens if you test the code above with object similar to the one in image below. If the face has a hole in the middle and is not triangulated or quadrangular like in the 2nd row the result can be messy.
The second row show much better result because the first object had quad face before applying script.
Hope this helps.
Thank you TIG will try that ASAP!!!
...TIG's suggestion works! Here is a code sample that you can copy & paste for testing...
The only function the code does is to split faces from medians to centroid.
def csplit() model = Sketchup.active_model ents = model.active_entities sel = model.selection faces = sel.grep(Sketchup;;Face) edges = [] avg = [] cl = [] model.start_operation('csplit') faces.each do |face| edges << face.edges ########### # Medians # ########### lines = face.edges lines.each {|e| e1 = e.start.position e2 = e.end.position x = (e2.x + e1.x) / 2 y = (e2.y + e1.y) / 2 z = (e2.z + e1.z) / 2 cl << Geom;;Point3d.new( x, y, z ) } ############ # Centroid # ############ sum = Geom;;Point3d.new(0,0,0) verts = face.vertices n = verts.size.to_f verts.each {|v| sum += ORIGIN.vector_to(v.position) } avg << Geom;;Point3d.new( sum.x/n, sum.y/n, sum.z/n ) #/ end # each face ############################ # From Centroid to Medians # ############################ faces.each do |face| centroid = avg.shift edges.shift.each {|e| lc = cl.shift ents.add_line( centroid, lc ) } end model.commit_operation rescue => e puts "Error <#{e.class.name}; #{e.message} >" puts e.backtrace if $VERBOSE model.abort_operation else # when no errors; sel.clear end # csplit() ####### # Run # ####### csplit()
Always welcome suggestion to make code better...cheers!
I was about to tell you of the issue with faces with holes or L shapes having a centroid 'off-face', but you have displayed it already...
Here is the 'fix'...
As you iterate each face check
face.classify point(cpt)
If it is not on the face, on a face-edge or on a face-vertex then do this:
tr=Geom::Transformation.new() es=ents.intersect_with(false, tr, ents, tr, true, ents.to_a)
You could reduce the intersected array to sayface.edges
provided you have a reference to the face ?
Then if some edges collected into 'es' remain 'unfaced' use this to erase them? :
es.grep(Sketchup::Edge).each{|e|e.erase! unless e.faces[0]}
Some testings in view and some track the bugs!Ps you are very friendly to have put my name but take attention that I have not made any code just a little moment of inspiration (given by a French guy anar!
@unknownuser said:
Some testings in view and some track the bugs!Ps you are very friendly to have put my name but take attention that I have not made any code just a little moment of inspiration (given by a French guy anar!
Thanks Pilou for mentioning that I started that discussion with you here : http://www.polyloop.net/showthread.php/9854-Topmod-De-la-maille-topologique%21/page7#133
And thanks also because without you that plugin would have never been made !
@renderiza said:
Look what happens if you test the code above with object similar to the one in image below. If the face has a hole in the middle and is not triangulated or quadrangular like in the 2nd row the result can be messy.
The second row show much better result because the first object had quad face before applying script.
Hope this helps.
i thought it was only for surfaces, but i see that it works on volumes also...
would it be possible to split the volume following the liness making like a 3d puzzle?
this would mean adding surfaces following the lines to make independant volumes
like "voxelize.rb", but not only cubes
Seems working fine
And all medians are present!
I don't want imagine the possibilities in 3D! -
TIG: Thank you TIG will test that out effective immediately!
Pilou & Anar: People that bring ideas to the table deserve recognition as well.
glro: That would be very cool indeed! I think there is a plugin that does something like this but don't remember it just now. If I find it will let you know.
Pilou: Very cool!
May I suggest an addition.
For people working in 3ds Max a imported SketchUp model is sometimes hard to work with because it doesn't consist of evenly sized quad faces. I have this idea to be able to split a face with inner loops like windows by projecting lines in the direction of the edges to the outer loop.
See this quick sketch.
@renderiza said:
[b]glro: That would be very cool indeed! I think there is a plugin that does something like this but don't remember it just now. If I find it will let you know.:
Maybe you think also to voxelize.rb
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=36063but voxelize makes cubes only; it would be funny to split the volume in exact sub-volumes, and try to build the whole volume back again, using sketchup
i have a 3d connexion mouse, and there is a game like this, to learn how to use it
and in addition, splitting a volume in sub-volumes is equivalent to building a 3d mesh, for structural analysis...
@pixero said:
I have this idea to be able to split a face with inner loops like windows by projecting lines in the direction of the edges to the outer loop.
This is excellent idea! It will produce the cleanest geometry possible before dividing it even more.
@glro said:
Maybe you think also to voxelize.rb
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=36063but voxelize makes cubes only; it would be funny to split the volume in exact sub-volumes, and try to build the whole volume back again, using sketchup
i have a 3d connexion mouse, and there is a game like this, to learn how to use it
and in addition, splitting a volume in sub-volumes is equivalent to building a 3d mesh, for structural analysis...
The plugin I had in my mind was not voxelize...it was one that only worked if you had SketchUp Pro.
Anyways making a plugin like this would be cool indeed. Not sure if I possess the knowledge to do it myself at the moment but will see if I can experiment with the idea in the future.
[pre:3p20mm78]Authors:: Anar | Dan Rathbun | Pilou | Renderiza | TIG
Plugin Name:: FaceSplit
Version:: 1.0.1
Date:: 10/28/2013
Cost:: Free[/pre:3p20mm78]
FaceSplit v1.0.1 is now available for download.Note: Will eventually make video explaining how to use plugin.
Sure a video will give some ideas to users!
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