[New!] Paradise Sandbox 1.1 is out!
Paradise Sandbox 1.1 development is coming along nicely, here is a sneak peek:
Paradise Sandbox 1.1 will be release along the last week of November, some of the new features are listed below:
- Improved lens-flare effects (see above image!)
- Camera orbiting behaviour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUS-Fjo9XZg
- Improvements to the high-quality interactive renderer. Photo-camera mode.
This is the last month for taking advantage of the 40% discount offer!
More info at: http://paradise-sandbox.com/
Video: 1280p, real-time. New lens-flare effect.
Over the rain-bow!
Yeah, the chromatic distortion is quite noticeable, but it looks really cool!
And yes, some cameras (depending of the number of lenses and distances between them) produce these rainbow patterns in the "real life"
A little but nice view using the new HDR system:
Fog support coming soon in v1.1:
The classical Vacation House rendered in Paradise Sandbox.
Paradise Sandbox real-time render:
Paradise Sandbox 1.1 is out!
New features:
- New lens-flare system
- Fog support
- Photo-camera behaviour has been added in the high-quality renderer. Press 'C' to save a capture! (Captures are saved in APP_FOLDER/Captures)
- Camera orbiting behaviour has been added. Hold the middle mouse button while moving the mouse.
Full changelog:
[New] NVIDIA drivers are asked to use the high-performance graphics unit if possible
[Improvement] The code related to objetcts picking management has been refactored and now is faster, more efficient and also always select the right face.
[New] Camera orbit behaviour added. Use the central mouse button in order to orbit around the scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUS-Fjo9XZg
[New/Improvement] Improved lens-flare system
[Improvement] No more waits due to external resource changes when removing a scene.
[Fix] Important bug-fix related to multi-monitors on non-Nvidia systems.
[New] Fogsupport
[Improvement] Some unused oceanproperties has been removed
[Fix] Ocean will now work without the foam component
[New] Photo-camera mode in high-quality renderer
New documentation available:
- Sky system: http://paradise-sandbox.com/docs/Sky_and_ocean/Sky
- Ocean system: http://paradise-sandbox.com/docs/Sky_and_ocean/Ocean
- Fog: http://paradise-sandbox.com/docs/Effects/Fog
Download now! http://paradise-sandbox.com/#download.php
Hello community!
This is last week for purchasing Paradise Sandbox PRO with a 40% discount.
At the end of the post you can see a funny image from the very last feature: billboards, coming soon along December in v1.2, this new version will also include support for spotlights with shadow support and penumbra estimation.
Versions 1.3 and 1.4 will be really interesting due to the integration of an advanced animation system: animate cameras, objects, effects... and generating high-quality videos from these animations is going to be possible thanks to this upcoming animation system!
Stay tuned.
Here is a sneak peak image from the Christmas scene that we're preparing at Paradise Sandbox (will come with a detailed breakdown/tutorial)
Still refreshing?Xavier
depending on the hemisphere, since I'm up North (in Cambridge, MA, USA) I'd have to say "heartwarming"Cheers,
. Diego .
Now it's very hot!
@dmatho said:
depending on the hemisphere, since I'm up North (in Cambridge, MA, USA) I'd have to say "heartwarming"
Yeah. I'm in Madrid (Spain), so we're more or less at the same latitude, and I wish having a fireplace like this in my house for these monthsMaybe I will do a summer scene for next year's Christmas scene (Santa with a swimsuit? Oh, that could be dangerous!), we have to make South hemisphere customers be happy too
@unknownuser said:
Now it's very hot!
Hehe. It was the perfect ocasion to me for creating an entire interior scene. I've already improved a lot the workflow for placing little objects and little lights (the Christmas tree is starting to look really cool!). I am tempted of showing new images, but I will wait until Christmas!
It's a shame not being a 3D modeler (or doesn't having the time for properly doing it) and be using only objects from the SketchUp Warehouse (on the other side that's good since it will prove that engineered models are not required to create a nice scene in Paradise!).
The breakdown will be a very interesting read for a lot of people from this community, and especially for Paradise users, since it will show some tricks that can be used for any kind of real-time rendering project.
Paradise Sandbox v1.3 is almost here! Volumetric lighting, huge enhancements in projects management, tons of performance optimizations and lighting improvements...
Here is a little sneak peak!