Buffer Lines
Thank you for your suggestions. Dave I will have to play with your option, I can't "picture" it in my head right now. A texture won't work, as there are lanes merging into each other, and the lane widths change. If it were that easy, I would have done that in the beginning.
Ryan, I was only wondering about a texture for the center line. Maybe alternating white and the asphalt color.
Do you need help with the projection thing?
Dave it would be great if you could help. A texture makes sense for the line, I thought you referring to a texture with the asphalt and lines in as one texture.
Ryan, take a look at the attached and see if that along with the following description would help.
From the origin:
- The centerline of your road drawn on the terrain.
- Projected down to a face using Didier Bur's Projection Tools.
- Use Offset to create the limits for the white lines. I only did the outer lines and should have done another on each side for the edge of the asphalt.
- Project the new lines back up to the terrain. You could use Push/Pull and then Intersect Faces for that.
Dave thank you, and this looks awesome. So let me ask you this. My highways and ramps are as components (a series of faces) not a terrain. Will this matter?
Are they just the center lines now?
They would be the edge lines and a number of center lines, as some parts are three lane highways. I may have a way to do it, I will need to try it out. This is where a straight buffer of lines would be great, even if it had to be extruded 1mm to eliminate the Z buffer fighting.
I guess I would just look to see what can be done using offset from tools on surface and maybe using the projection as I mentioned. It might be better to intersect the roads with the terrain so you don't have to worry about z-fighting. If your model covers a large area a few millimeters may not be enough to counteract the z-fighting.
Dave would it be ok if I shared the model with you? To be honest, I am not following what you are recommending. I can't get my head around it in my situation. I have a Dropbox and Google Drive account that I could post it on.
You can send me small example. I'll try to get some time to look at it.