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[TIP] Extending Dimensions
You may already know how to do this... I didn't... So I made this short video to show you how. Hope it helps someone. Yes, I'm sure its in a book some where but I don't read soooo...
I think it speaks for itself. But...
- I create the first dimension.
- hover over the end of the dimension at the opposite end I want to extend. ( you must be over the extend size arrows)
- then I hold ctrl,
- click and drag to the new dimension point.
This can be done vertically as well.
Nice....Thanks Kris
My pleasure...
I do this same functionality to draw or trace floor plans - stitching my way around the outside. Fast!
Thanks for the tip Kris.
Another way to "continue" a dimension is to double click the next point after creating the first dimension. The dimension will be placed aligned with the first string and repeat the same way as you go.
sfto1, I like yours a lot better... much quicker. shouldn't these type of commands have buttons?
Yes they should