Right-click to sort a growing list of plugins
Most any Windows-based Browsers (and Windows itself) provide a means with which to sort bookmarks and programs respectively via a drop-down list and a right-click method to sort the list.
I waste far too much time searching through unsorted list in the tools, Window and plugins menus trying to find what I need. It seems that my brain works best with ordered information -- go figure!
If there is a plugin that can provide a (plugin) sorting function, I have my credit card ready.
warm regards
I don't know about your question, but in the meantime, try LaunchUp !
Well as promised, I gave launchup a go. Sadly, I'm no farther ahead as I'm still 'searching' rather than sorting.
Thanks again for the suggestion
Hopefully someone at Trimble reads this and will tweak their SU interface to accommodate sorting list items with a right-click method.