Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Well done charly, keep it up!! I hope you feel much better?
So.....who needs a vape/atty stand?
Food safe
Dishwasher safe
Lead free
Non toxic
Can stand temperatures up to 600° Celsius/1112° Fahrenheit
7 different colours available -
As an experienced smoker (more than a decade who gave it up finally because of pancreas problem), it is a long while that I have an eye on this topic and as remember we had a private chat few years ago with Gai to start such a topic ( it was before this topic starts).
And also we were thinking about the idea of gathering all the saved somewhere and spend it on sort of charity.
Any suggestion, supporting idea? etc? -
Hi Majid,
Congratulations for quitting mate.....I hope the pancreas problem is better as a result.
10 months vaping. couldn't be happier...
Well a bit...
Started off on 18mg. And because I was vaping far more frequently than having a smoke, I was taking too much nic.
So I got me some 12mg, but too weak... so I mix it with the 18 which gives me enuf buzz/baz to not get a headache on the puter. Thought it was my glasses but it was too much nic.
So at last to the point....
What is your nic mg. in your regular vape?
And how many mls? do you get thru a day? (I'm doing about 4/5 mls pd).baz
Coming up on 3 years without tobacco cigarettes. I am now on 6mg nicotine, but do have some fruity flavors with no nicotine that I mix or vape when around kids.
I vape about 2-3 ml per day, a whole lot less than my first year where I was a walking chimney.
Smoke free since July.
Vape 12mg at 9.5w
30ml bottle last 12-14 days. Usually stick to menthol flavours. But have a fruity flavour to change things up a bit.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thanks guys, good info.
This year it'll be 10 years since I quit for good... whhooooo (cough cough) hoooo!
Great stuff people! We knew you'd come to the dark side Rich, was only a matter of time. Keep it up pal.
Ive been mixing some great flavours from EXTRADIY Paris, they taste really natural I'd highly recommend.
Here is my Provari Radius with Subtank Mini. I love Provape stuff!
I tried to go back to "plus ohm" devices but love subohm now, you just need to change the liquid ratios to suit the tank.
@baz said:
What is your nic mg. in your regular vape?
And how many mls? do you get thru a day? (I'm doing about 4/5 mls pd).Great work Baz keep off the stinkies!
I vape 3mg now. It depends on the device of course. I started on 18mg 3 years ago.
If you are using a subohm setup you need significantly less nicotine because you get loads more vapour. Most people are happy at 3 or 6mg in a subohm tank and 6-12mg for a plus ohm tank (resistance over 1 Ohm). There is no right or wrong answer, just vape whatever prevents you from smoking.
I vape 10ml a day, sometimes more sometimes less.
TPD regulations come into force in the EU this year. This WILL mean:
**-The maximum size of refill containers of nicotine containing liquid is 10ml.
-Maximum size of cartridges or tanks do no exceed 2ml.
-Maximum nicotine strength of e-liquid is 20mg
-Electronic cigarettes must provide a consistent dose of nicotine.
-E-cigs and refill containers must have a mechanism to ensure leak free refilling.**
Vaping is literally going to die in the UK and EU!
Basically we'll only be able to buy cartridges for e liquid as there is no other way to have "leak-free" design. It will probably cost the same as smoking. So cig-a-like vape pens are the only products that will be available. These are the least effective vaping devices.
Tobacco companies have already released their own e-cigs which funnily enough conform to the TPD regulations before they were even announced. You would almost think that the tobacco companies wrote these rules.
My advice to Europeans is to start making your own e liquid....otherwise you'll just be spending a huge amount on cartridges.
Chinese suppliers have already said they're just gonna write "not for use with tobacco products" on the vape tanks to bypass the legislation.
Basically if you don't vape nicotine in it, they can't ban it. They can't ban a tank that says "do not use with nicotine" on the packaging. Whether you put nicotine in your liquid or not is up to you.
Chinese companies are also selling mods as "rechargeable torches". Instead of an atomiser they are just screwing an LED in. When your "torch" arrives in the post you can screw your own tank in.
How they can completely ban small metal tanks entering the EU is beyond me.
Tens of thousands signed petitions but nobody listened. I can't understand how this can be so heavily regulated yet they still sell cigarettes with a 50% death rate.
Watch out USA, you're next.
How's everybody doing today?
I'm enjoying my coffee, while I'm reading all this bullshit regarding e-cigs. People are raging all over the internet, but yet, nobody's doing nothing. At least in my country. Groups on Facebook are dividing, "brothers" are arguing about mtl vs. li. Shit has already hit the fan, and I'm barely noticed. Images like this, could be very soon, taboo.
Cheers guys!
I have been listening to the arguments being presented against vaping for a while in Australia, and there are a few things I find particularly disturbing and they are related to the languaging and imagery being used.
Let me explain.
Firstly, I think the word 'eCig' is a bad conjures the image of vaping being just like smoking a cigarette when in fact it needs to be seen as something completely different.
Secondly, I frequently see interviews on TV with people who vape who are inarticulate, heavily tattooed, scruffy and who are not advancing the provaping cause. Make no mistake, I don't care who vapes, but when the anti-vaping establishment are influencing decision makers about the future of vaping, they play the image card very well by narrowly presenting vaping as something done by people who resemble someone who has been dragged out of a drug cave !!
The provaping campaign is generally disorganised and poorly coordinated. Maybe it should get crowd funding to finance a properly constructed campaign.
I wouldn't worry guys.
They can't ban the large tanks. They will just say "not for use with nicotine" on a sticker.
They can't ban mods because they are already being sold as "torches".
They can't ban liquids over 10ml because they'll just sell large 0mg bottles and a separate small bottle of nicotine to mix in.
What I'm saying is; the cat's out the bag and there's no stopping it.
It certainly won't stop me from vaping what I want.
Stefan: a petition was signed by over 10,000 people here in the UK but it made absolutely no difference. Glad you are still smoke-free
Around 3 years smoke-free now, can't believe it! Feel a million times better.
I bought a Wismec RX200 for at-home vape. It holds 3x18650 batteries, quite a beast.
(Provari Radius on the left and Wismec RX200 on the right, both with Kanger Subtanks at 0.5 ohms)
@olishea said:
I wouldn't worry guys.
They can't ban liquids over 10ml because they'll just sell large 0mg bottles and a separate small bottle of nicotine to mix in.
You are spot on! That's exactly how I bought liquid this month.
Regarding the RX 200, it's really the best buy at this moment. I just bought my first box mod these days, I was thinking about the Reuleaux myself, but it's just too chunky for me. I really hate the look of box mods, I don't know why... Anyway, I bought an Evic vtc mini, and I'm quite pleased. It only can push 75 watts, but I don't need that much, as I can't do lung inhale, I don't use sub-ohm, neither temperature control mode. On the other hand, the Radius seams overpriced, for what he does. Subtanks are still great, but it is a hype about the Griffin right now in my country. Best flavour and vapours they say. The Cthulhu was really appreciated as well. I think I'll go with the Goblin mini very soon, as I heard only good things about it.
I'm glad we are good, still vaping! Cheers guys! -
I still have the Provari I bought 21/2 years ago.....have often thought about buying something else just in case the Provari ceases to work, and there are a few vape shops popping up nearby which means I can easily get something quite quickly if I need to, instead of having to wait for an order to be delivered.
In South Australia, our Government has set up a Parliamentary Enquiry Committee to investigate Vaping (and yes, they also use the word eCigs too).....and it will come as no surprise if they recommend introducing similar laws to those of the UK.
I was a little slower than Oli and Pete and a few others....I gradually cut down my smoking over a 6 month period after I started vaping until I felt comfortable with giving up the stinkies.
If I hadn't seen this topic created by Oli, I might still be smoking (or dead...!!)
March 10 will be mark my 2 year anniversary of being smoke free....2 days to go...might have a little celebration....!!
Well done Gareth. When you're celebrating let us know and I'll crack a beer open too! Those 2.5 Provaris are still the best IMO, the P3 had some issues with battery terminals not connecting all the time. It also used to say the battery was low when it wasn't. IN fact my 2.5 mini still works and I dropped it from a second storey window!
Stefan: The radius IS overpriced for what it does....but it's built extremely well. It's hard to compare it to other box mods because I've never seen one built as good as the radius. It really is a different league of quality, feels like an old Leica camera in the hand. Only goes up to 40 watts but I only vape around 20 watts anyway. But at the end of the day it does the same job as any other mod 5 times cheaper.
I like to use the Radius when out and about and I always keep the RX200 at home. RX200 genuinely lasts the whole day without charging.
I know exactly what you mean about box mods.....they really aren't ergonomic. I just like the look of the Radius....a tube is still better in the hand but usually longer than a box mod.
I was also going to buy the goblin mini....but you need to use a screwdriver to fill liquid! And if you top-fill it's really messy. It looks quality though, I've seen loads of good reviews. The reason I use subtanks is because my whole family use the same just makes sense to all use the same devices as I know the liquid I make will be nice for all of them.
I have a Uwell Crown but not happy with flavour; it tastes a bit muted, almost metallic and clinical. Not my cup of tea so that's now a spare.
My mum bought this Endura for going out (photo below).....surprisingly nice. Great flavour and cheap. Plus ohm mouth-to-lung style but really quite good and very discrete.
I do get a bit bored of direct lung feels like i get less "hit" and no throat hit at all. Maybe I'll go back to the good old kayfun!!
This is the first TPD compliant vape from eGo.
It's called the eGo AIO.
Have a read:
eGo AIO - Joyetech Best Selling Vaping Kit
eGo AIO, being all-in-one style, attaches the best anti-leaking structure with 2ml e-juice capacity.It is simple and convenient in use.eGo AIO, being the best all-in-one vape kit, featuring an anti-leaking structure with 2ml tank capacity. It firstly applies childproof system in the market. Being simple and elegant, the Joyetech eGo AIO comes with multiple fashion colors. If you're looking for the best AIO mod or AIO kit, it would be your good choice.
I can't get enough of these meetings! Always new people,which is great. Good stuff!
Vape on!