Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Spoken like a true missionary!
Although vaping did not work for me (I gummed
) ... it has been a full year since I quit cigs!
I do not miss the butts, ash, or the stink. I have a neighbor two doors down that smokes. When I walk pass his house it reeks of smoke from 75-80 feet out on the street! I used to be generating that kind of stink from our back porch. NO more!
Nice work Dan!
Yeah smoking absolutely stinks. Not just around your house but clothes, furniture, skin, hair, car etc....
Nearly a year smoke-free for me now.
I'm still on 12mg nicotine, will probably reduce when I get back from holiday.
Speaking of which.....does anyone know what the rules are regarding E-Cigs and travelling by air? Am I even allowed to take my E-Liquid into Switzerland?
I've got a feeling that several unmarked bottles in my main luggage might look suspicious, so should I juist buy some labelled pre-mixed liquids?
Last thing I want is to arrive in Switzerland with confiscated E-Liquid and E-Cigs!!! I am definitely not carrying anything in my hand luggage though, that's obvious.
Well done Dan.
I must admit I had no idea how bad my house, my car and me must have smelled while I was smoking.....and I don't miss the burn holes in my shirts and car seat I used to get occasionally when I smoked in the car..!
Hey Oli, try vaping on your flight and let us know what happened....!
9 months cigarette free!!
Feeling great indeed...
....have even take up a bit of casual cycling (I've done it more than once, so I guess that reinforces my commitment to 'recycling'...!)
Well I still smoke about 3 cigarettes a day (weekdays). Mainly because, I can't hold the weight of even my small unit in my mouth and work at the same time
. We get into production runs and I can't stop to take a break, or my crew stops also! I tell them that "If you want lunch you better be able to have a hammer in one hand and a sandwich in the other" so I have to live to the same standards
But I have finally got my juice and unit(s) all working where I like. 40/60 24 mg at 4.0
Vape Porn!! I bought a cheap upgrade for my mother to congratulate her for being smoke-free for 12 months.
I really like the Protank2. It's by no means comparable to a Kayfun in terms of flavour but it really is a great clearomiser. The Pyrex glass gives it a great quality finish. I also bought a Protank 2 for myself as a backup to the old faithful Kayfun.
The SID is perfect for the price. Can't go wrong there! First device I've ever had with an OLED screen too!
Here is the Smoktech SID with a Kanger Protank 2 on top. Sorry about poor photo quality, I just used a mobile.
Happy Vaping guys!
And here is the Protank 2 on top of the Provari Mini. It actually suits the Provari very well. I also placed the Kayfun on the SID just to show what it looks like.
And finally my usual setup....Kayfun on either the Provari Mini or MVP V2. See how battered my Provari and Kayfun look after 12 months! :laugh:
I have screwed the Protank 2 on the MVP in this photo just to show how it fits (very well).
I still haven't learned to like the smoke from these wapers...
I saw this animation the other day and will start practicing that instead...
@Frederik, that is quite a skill
, reminds me to re-watch Seinfeld, still a good no brain series
Besides the beveled top, a provari looks sweet and I like it's small form factor. The Kayfun seems to like it too, nice pictures. I like my Kayfun clones a lot , they are hassle free and consistent as opposed to clearos like errrr...protanks 1,2 or 3 , the heads seem to be hit and miss.
I just bought a Touchwood handcrafted mechanical box mod . 18490 battery sรฎze.
Loving the feel of it and it vapes really well with that detonator style button.
Rocking it with the simple (and cheap) Igo-L dripping atomizer. Yummy -
Finally got me a rebuildable mod from TKO a chain of vape stores across US. It has a 2.2 amp atomizer and I'm trying to find a good voltage and amp setting as you can change both with this mod. Not really sure yet what does what as far as the settings go maybe someone can shed some light on the subject for me.
Walt, good job with the mod, it's a good choice. However, be careful with the firing button, it's the weakest part. I'm not saying it will fault, but it's the most common fail of this mod.
Regarding the way you can set this, I would recommend watts. Because, once you find "the sweet spot" for you, you don't need to adjust nothing any more, not even when you put another atomizer on the mod. It will give you the same vaping experience, with every hit you take. Start with 6 watts, then go up to 7,8 and so on, until you are satisfied.
Stefan -
SCORE!!!!!Went to a garage sale got a bag of about 50 2 ohm cartos for my ProVari for a $1
@futurepast said:
SCORE!!!!!Went to a garage sale got a bag of about 50 2 ohm cartos for my ProVari for a $1
@futurepast said:
SCORE!!!!!Went to a garage sale got a bag of about 50 2 ohm cartos for my ProVari for a $1
There are some good Carto tanks on Fasttech, I personally love the X8 as it is small and has a screw to prevent the carto to slide out, very handy.
Concerning cartos, I am sticking to double punched Boge LR cartos.
All the others seem to lack needed airflow.
Cartos really are a more consistent vape than clearos imo.
The only hassle is filling carto tanks, such a mess lol -
Congrats Oli!