Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
Tried some new E-Liquids yesterday from a different shop....Huge difference!!
There really is lots of variation in throat hit/flavour/vapour production trade off between manufacturers. It's all about personal preference.
The new blueberry flavour I got is just beautiful. The old blueberry I tried from another shop tasted too artificial. This new brand I'm using are fantastic, the fruits really taste natural.
Now the new liquids are MUCH thicker, almost like treacle. This is because they contain more VG in the ratio. This suits my Kayfun rebuildable I suggest if you're looking at liquids and want more vapour production just check how thick/viscous it is.
I tried a brand which had no VG in and throat hit was too harsh with little vapour.
Normally I pay Β£20 for 50ml, now I pay Β£26 for 100ml, so almost half price!!
edit: i bought from a UK company who I thought had initially ripped me off, but they apologised for delivery delay and parcel is on its way.
i'm really loving the VG based blueberry flavour, so glad everything is resolved!
How's everyone getting on? Gone a bit quiet recently.
Stefan: my girlfriend and my mother are now using the EVOD atomizers, as per your recommendation. They do look better than the EGO and there are no leaks at all. This is the main reason they wanted to ditch the EGO atomizers, they occasionally leak through the mouthpiece. The coils are also 3x cheaper to replace. So thank you for that!
I was only thinking of this thread today when I was cutting lawn.
I'm interested to hear how everyone is doing off the smokes
1month and 3 days off the smokes Rich, and still going strong, it's obvious ur thinking about quitting, you won't regret it, I got mine in limerick, if you want details pm me
1 month 5 days and going strong, no desire to smoke, love vaping too much.
I ran 2.5 miles with my kid this weekend and did not die, but It did take a while to recover (stiff as hell) -
Keep it up everyone, there is no down side to giving up. Solo, 2.5 is damn good.
Rich, a bit more than a year ago I was smoking, could barely walk up my stairs with a bag of shopping. I've just come in from a 6k lope through the hills around my house, all 49 years and 109kilos of me. They are hard to give up, but you feel better and better every day.
It's not even difficult Rich. It's a more pleasurable experience.
I don't cough, wheeze or get dizzy any more. I feel more relaxed and less edgy for a "fix". My skin looks better too. There are a dozen other improvements to my health and general attitude to life. Vaping has saved my life.
Best thing, I probably keep saying, is that I can lie down and sleep without coughing my guts up. I was exhausted.
I can't believe how ill cigarettes made me feel in body and mind. The psychological effect is often overlooked, no matter how good life is going, that niggly addiction always brings you down.
My dentist noticed a vast improvement in my mother's gums and teeth since quitting, she has also reduced her immunosuppressive drugs for her Chron's disease. This stuff works. Smoking was making her body fight itself.
well done you feel better?
And congratulations Pete, 2.5 miles is fantastic. Seriously well done guys.
I feel great, being doing 10km runs every 2 days and not even feeling like I need to gasp for air, I'm loving it, e-cigs are the only way to go in my opinion
Congrats everyone!
I'm one month and 3 days no smokes, feeling great, no desire to smoke.
Cheers Oli, Evods will flood the battery when the wick is old, but that's not a big problem. I ordered some spare bits online, now I have 3 clearomizers, and 6 pins. I got silica and coil,and I'll rebuild them soon. The original coil is 1.8 ohm, the ones that I ordered ware 2.5 ohm. I didn't noticed any differences regarding taste or TH. They are so cheep in deed, but you can always rebuild them, if you have time. I'll keep posting as soon I have one done.
Stefan -
@iichiversii said:
I feel great, being doing 10km runs every 2 days and not even feeling like I need to gasp for air, I'm loving it, e-cigs are the only way to go in my opinion
wow i should take up smoking so I can quit and take this up. I never smoked but i can't run 10k either!
@pbacot said:
wow i should take up smoking so I can quit and take this up. I never smoked but i can't run 10k either!
haha. I know! Even thinking about running 10km is making me tired! I think I'll get back into some weights before I do any serious cardio, ease back into it. Great stuff though iichii.
Cheers again Stefan, as long as they don't leak through the mouthpiece that's fine. You wanna try Ekowool wick.
That's the stuff I use and it's getting a great's also made from silica but performs better.
Things still going great with my Kayfun and Provari. It's just so consistent, loving it. Pete, you manage to try out a Kayfun yet?
I was successfully rebuilding two coils of my Evod clearomizors. I made them at 1.9 ohms. I didn't make it from the first time, but it was just a matter of adding just one more spire. So, 6 spires of kanthal 0.20, and 2 mm silica wick. That is 1.8-1.9 ohms according to my measurements. I cant wait to try them. In fact, I'll replace one right now.
remember don't coil too tight stefan, it can cause dry hits. You want the coil to touch, not strangle the wick.
wick may taste slightly funny for first half hour and then it's just smooooooooth! perfect flavour.
Crap! I feel a burned rubber taste! I'll have to double the coil where the rubber and the contact pin meet. It's a known issue. The coil burn the rubber. I'll give it another try tomorrow.
Ah I see. Start saving for a Kayfun!
It's completely stainless steel.
Coiling can be frustrating at first but when you get it right it's just glorious!!
Let's know how you get on because I'm gonna try recoiling my girlfriend's EVOD.
@unknownuser said:
Pete, you manage to try out a Kayfun yet?
Nope, very happy with my Vivi Nova system, no messing around, works brilliantly worth the extra $$, I get the perfect vape every hit.
Rather spend my time learning photography (my new hobby) than wind wires.
Nice, i forgot to ask which atty you are using. will add it to the original post. How long are they lasting you?
good thing about rendering it prepares you perfectly for photography, most of the jargon we already know.
I don't about that Oli, while learning to render I have never had to use the phrase, "So Luv, look into the camera and tell them you are 18".
Stefan, have you yet noticed any difference between the 1.8ohm and 2.5ohm coils yet? I am about to order some for my mum and gf and just wondering what your opinion is?