Any smokers here? Wanna quit?
I feel great, being doing 10km runs every 2 days and not even feeling like I need to gasp for air, I'm loving it, e-cigs are the only way to go in my opinion
Congrats everyone!
I'm one month and 3 days no smokes, feeling great, no desire to smoke.
Cheers Oli, Evods will flood the battery when the wick is old, but that's not a big problem. I ordered some spare bits online, now I have 3 clearomizers, and 6 pins. I got silica and coil,and I'll rebuild them soon. The original coil is 1.8 ohm, the ones that I ordered ware 2.5 ohm. I didn't noticed any differences regarding taste or TH. They are so cheep in deed, but you can always rebuild them, if you have time. I'll keep posting as soon I have one done.
Stefan -
@iichiversii said:
I feel great, being doing 10km runs every 2 days and not even feeling like I need to gasp for air, I'm loving it, e-cigs are the only way to go in my opinion
wow i should take up smoking so I can quit and take this up. I never smoked but i can't run 10k either!
@pbacot said:
wow i should take up smoking so I can quit and take this up. I never smoked but i can't run 10k either!
haha. I know! Even thinking about running 10km is making me tired! I think I'll get back into some weights before I do any serious cardio, ease back into it. Great stuff though iichii.
Cheers again Stefan, as long as they don't leak through the mouthpiece that's fine. You wanna try Ekowool wick.
That's the stuff I use and it's getting a great's also made from silica but performs better.
Things still going great with my Kayfun and Provari. It's just so consistent, loving it. Pete, you manage to try out a Kayfun yet?
I was successfully rebuilding two coils of my Evod clearomizors. I made them at 1.9 ohms. I didn't make it from the first time, but it was just a matter of adding just one more spire. So, 6 spires of kanthal 0.20, and 2 mm silica wick. That is 1.8-1.9 ohms according to my measurements. I cant wait to try them. In fact, I'll replace one right now.
remember don't coil too tight stefan, it can cause dry hits. You want the coil to touch, not strangle the wick.
wick may taste slightly funny for first half hour and then it's just smooooooooth! perfect flavour.
Crap! I feel a burned rubber taste! I'll have to double the coil where the rubber and the contact pin meet. It's a known issue. The coil burn the rubber. I'll give it another try tomorrow.
Ah I see. Start saving for a Kayfun!
It's completely stainless steel.
Coiling can be frustrating at first but when you get it right it's just glorious!!
Let's know how you get on because I'm gonna try recoiling my girlfriend's EVOD.
@unknownuser said:
Pete, you manage to try out a Kayfun yet?
Nope, very happy with my Vivi Nova system, no messing around, works brilliantly worth the extra $$, I get the perfect vape every hit.
Rather spend my time learning photography (my new hobby) than wind wires.
Nice, i forgot to ask which atty you are using. will add it to the original post. How long are they lasting you?
good thing about rendering it prepares you perfectly for photography, most of the jargon we already know.
I don't about that Oli, while learning to render I have never had to use the phrase, "So Luv, look into the camera and tell them you are 18".
Stefan, have you yet noticed any difference between the 1.8ohm and 2.5ohm coils yet? I am about to order some for my mum and gf and just wondering what your opinion is?
Cheers Oli, I didn't noticed any major difference, but I'm cutting the nicotine quickly, I'm on 8mg right now, so is hard to be objective. I'm using 2.5 ohm resistance right now, because the 1.8 ones ware out of stock. I believe because 1.8 is better. The ones with experience said that 1.8 will give you more vapour, better TH but lower flavour. 2.5 is better at flavour and will protect your battery better. Personally, if I have to choose right now, I'll be for 1.8 if I could find them. But remember, and sorry for repeating myself, I'm cutting the nicotine, and to be honest, I feel like I need to vape more often.
Regarding rebuilding them, I used 1.5 kanthal and I felt less burned taste. Today I did another one, but without double legs. Looks like original one. I used 1.5 wire , 6 turns, held the silica and the wire over a flame, then I put it in the resistance body, did a dry burn, put 2 pieces of 1 mm silica above (very important for flavour) and that was all. I don't find my measuring device so again, I need to borrow one from a neighbour to see how many ohms did I get. Just to be in a safe zone, but I'm aiming 1.8- 2 at maximum.
As a side note, I would not bother making them, but I bought all that wire and stuff. They are sooo inexpensive, peanuts like you said.
So, did you try it? The Evod? I'm pretty happy with them, the oldest one is almost 3 weeks now, and is doing fine. I did cracked one around the mouthpiece, but was my fault, trying to clean the shirt out of him, stuffing some ears stick in it... but amazingly, it still no leaking.
Sorry for not being able to give you a strait answer.
Stefan -
I would love to buy something like that, but they aren't for evods...
This is...almost beautiful
haha it's like barbed wire. thanks for all that buddy! I think I'll just get them to buy the coils!! The EGO is set to 1.8 so I guess using a 1.8 coil for the EVOD works nicely. I've been using 0.16 nichrome for the kayfun, you tried something thinner? or is 1.5 kanthal the norm for an EVOD?
Great work cutting down the nicotine. I'm on 11mg now, I'm gonna move onto 6mg and then 0mg eventually. I don't wanna be dependent on nicotine all my life, but for now I'm happy.
Yeah I tried the EVOD. I much prefer it over the EGO atomizer, it's more consistent and durable. You need to draw back a bit more but I like that. If I need a small vape setup my choice would be EVOD atomizer for sure. Good, consistent flavour! I like the battery below too, fits perfect compared to a slight difference with the EGO battery.
Stainless steel battery and stainless EVOD look great by the way. In fact I'd say it's one of the best looking combos.
It probably doesn't help that you have to make a really tiny coil too! Yeah I don't like the sound of inhaling burning rubber
unless of course it's from my rear wheels.
I find it really easy to make coils with my Kayfun now. It was a nuisance at first but I can make them consistently between 2.4 and 2.5 ohms. Worth it for the flavour, everything tastes great with this atty, really enjoying it. A kayfun works best when between 6 and 8 watts...I just change the voltage according to my atomizer resistance using Ohm's Law Calculator. Sounds complex but it's easy. Over time a coil gets more resistive so I increase voltage after a week or so.
There are now variable wattage mods that do this calculation for just set the wattage. Svoemesto are due to release one called the Semovar which looks interesting. But I think I've spent enough and I'm more than happy with the Provari.
Thanks again Stefan.
And keep it up!
Hello Oli, I'm using kanthal because it seams to be preferred over the nichrome by most of the "guru's" in the forum I just joined. They say nichrome is less resistive, and not so durable as kanthal is. Most of them use 0.2 kanthal, and 2 mm silica when they aim a 1.8-2.5 ohm resistance. That's why I bought that, but I wanted 0.15 wire as well.
I was telling you to just buy pins, because is just to much hassle to make a perfect one.
I made mine to look just perfect, nice raps perfect distance between them, but it didn't worked. The wire burned that rubber/silicon gasket that keeps the wires apart. The original resistance that came with the Evod, looked like like a 0.20 wire. Maybe 0.18. The ones that I bought on-line are 2.5 and the wire looks thinner. I'm not sure is kanthal, in fact I bet is nichrome. You could try to make one, if you have the nerves, just be sure to be rubber smoke free. It's definitely toxic.
Stefan -
Hey, do you guys signed up for some beta testing new devices, so you all are talking in some closed topic, or what?
Just kidding
Just found a store today, from my favourite on-line shop. It was right there, under my eyes. I found that guy vaping. That was a great first impression. The shop was pour, little space, not so many products, (no mods for example), but it did had what I had in mind to buy: Some new juice that I wanted to try, and some coils for my Evods atomizers. I was using Dekang only, so I tried the juice they made "in the house". Is fantastic. It is full VG, but way more tasteful. I had some red-bull and some apricot flavours. Red-bull is almost like real thing, and the apricot one......WOW I just love it. I think I found a fruity flavour that I'll be using from now. They said the tabaco flavours are way beyond any liquids on the market. So, it was a great day for me, I just have to find a way to promote this guy, because ( and he didn't told me directly) is not easy for him. Buy the way, his prices was as on the on-line shop. I asked about Mods, and we had a very nice chat. I'm really thinking to buy a Mod lately, but honestly, I don't afford a Provari, I can't justify that to my wife right now. I was looking at one particular Mod, (mechanic), buid buy a guy from my country, which cost just 50 euro or so. It's called NOVA V2 Hybrid by CipCig . Check the review, if you have the time, because, I think the guy wanted to say that this is the best vaping device. I don't know....just watch.
Unfortunately, this guy can't handle very well the amount of orders that he must deliver, so the waiting list for his device is closed.
And by the way, I'm 45 days smoking free, but who's counting! -
Seven weeks tobacco free, vaping and loving it. I have now vaped at restaurants, at a Rodriguez concert, while watching Star Trek at the movies this weekend, at a baseball game last night, this is fantastic, I'd vape in church if I ever went to one.