Line clarity
If someone could look at this file and tell me why in the scene with the chair, the chair back and seat are nice and rounded and in the table and chairs scene, the same edges of the chair look like zig zags? I have played with the soften edges but it did not seem to make any difference. The soften edge settings are the same in both scenes. Any thoughts would be appreciated. btw, this whole set is being made out of recycled church pews. Kinda fun..
You have hidden geometry turned on (View menu). I personally would change the style so the Profiles are set to 1. This would be under window>Styles and the Edit tab. I would also turn off extensions at least while you are drawing and move the model up so it is sitting on the ground plane.
After moving the table up and changing the style as described.
That's a long table.
Thanks alot. Yes, we have a big family dinner every Sunday evening so we need it!!