Expanding components
I have seen drawings in sketchup that take, for example, a drawer and expand in so that all the pieces of the drawer are shown seperately. Is there a script for that or do you just move the pieces individually?
You mean make an exploded view. There are several plugins available to do that. Eclate-Deplace is one. It's French but there's an english version, too.
I make these exploded views very frequently and find the plugins don't do what I want so I make the exploded views manually. This really isn't difficult. I make selection sets by dragging a selection box around part of the model and then I move it away from the rest of the model. I might reduce the number of selected components and move the rest even more. I can make a useful exploded view in just a few minutes doing it manually. It does require that you've drawn your model as components or groups instead of pne big lump of geometry, though.
Whatever you do, don't use the Explode command from the Context menu.
Jerry, did this help?