Edit Images on Server?
There are some real knowledgeable web people hanging out here. My webmaster passed away last year and I have no one else I can ask questions like this.
I'd like to edit images on my server, is it possible? I'd like to add copyright text on some of my images that are being hotlinked to.
Like this one http://woodsshop.com/PROJECTS/koi.htmMy web editor (Adobe Contribute) can 'edit image in external application' it says, but asking around it seems like I can't use it edit images on my server like I'd like to.
I don't want to delete them and upload new ones with the copyright, as this makes the image loose ranking with image search it seems. (Is this a valid assumption?)
I asked my Server and they said-
"You may be able to do this through a PHP script such as TimThumb to do this,
http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/ however this would have to be accomplished by a scripting developer as this is outside the scope of support we are able to offer at this time. "I looked at TimThumb and to me it looks like it only resizes images.
Is there any way I can edit these images like I want to?
How did you (he) build your website?!?
With Adobe Contribute?
If yes, why can't you edit your image, update it in contribute and reupload it?
I think, i don't understand your problem...Your "website" is stored in a folder on the server and consists of separated files like html-files, and maybe scripts or images. You can simply replace a file in this folder (or subfolder) with an ftp-client if it is not possible with contribute (which i can't believe).
And your webhoster should have something like an ftp client on his service pages if you login under your account...
I think 'edit image in external application' means that you can specify an image editor like photoshop to be opened when you click this function.
I don't know what approach you should take but a little suggestion..
it might be better to overlay your logo (or whatever) onto the image instead of a copyright notice.
the image will then be a lot less usable to people wishing to do something shiesty with it but for others (majority of people), a logo etc will come across as advertising.. which to me at least, gives off a more positive vibe.ie- I personally wouldn't be too hyped on viewing a past projects catalog in which all the pictures were more blunty screaming "this is mine! you can't use it"
just ideas
My original site was built using adobe dreamweaver, and they set me up with adobe contribute so I could edit it. I've been adding pages, images Etc for the last 10 years or so. My last webmaster came on board about 8 years ago and was mainly helping me with a little scripting and graphics help.
I don't want to delete the present image, then upload a new one with copyright info because I 'think' the new image instantly looses image search ranking. Am I wrong in thinking that? I'd use the same image name.
I don't want to block people from downloading the images because many of them might become customers, I just hate it when I find pirated versions on my images on other websites, especially when they come up for my keywords.
Yes, if google image search is using hash code comparison then every manipulation will result in a different image.
But what would you like to do then if you don't want to overwrite the image? -
Nume, what do you mean by overwright the image? Do you men put a transparent image over it so people can't download my original image?
no, with overwriting i meant replacing the image file on the server with a newer version.
Isn't that what I don't want to do though, replace the image, for image search ranking?
with contribute I can go to that page http://woodsshop.com/PROJECTS/koi.htm, click Edit, then I can delete that image and upload a new one. Is that overwriting?
Yes, sure... i meant what would you like to do instead, if you want to show a new image but you don't want to replace the old one? How should this work?
What I want is for this site to stop linking to my 3 images (2nd thru 4th)
http://ciudaddemexico.olx.com.mx/pisos-decks-madera-exterior-cumaru-ipe-teca-super-precios-terrazas-jardines-iid-265155312I've sent three dmca notices over the last month to their server ultradns.net
but have had no response ..here's the WhoIs page for that site http://whois.domaintools.com/olx.com.mx
so since I can't get my images removed, I'd like to put copyright text on that image (and the other two),
without the image loosing it's image search ranking
Google Image Search http://tinyurl.com/baoh7mx -
if you want them to stop linking, why not break the links?
(but from where I'm sitting, it doesn't feel like misusing of your images anyway.. and probably more beneficial to you than anything else)
No, that image is showing up in image searches, using my keywords but landing you at that other site.
But you're right, my images (on my site) are showing up at the top of the search page so why should I worry about it.
I think I will stop fretting about it, I just don't like my images being pirated.
what does breaking the links mean? Sounds like this might also hurt my image ranking?
@joe wood said:
I think I will stop fretting about it, I just don't like my images being pirated.
what does breaking the links mean? Sounds like this might also hurt my image ranking?
yes.. it would hurt the image rankings i imagine.. breaking meaning you just take those images down and reupload.. then the links on that other site will be dead because they're not linking to anything..
if i were you, i'd be more concerned with this site (which i found via the first site you showed)
they've downloaded your image.. put their logo/info on it.. and are self hosting it.. with no sort of link back to you or image credit of anysorts that i can see..
that's copyright infringement
(whereas the first example you posted is not so much.. it's not much different than you putting their link here in this thread)
thanks I contacted that one place you provided, now I'm going to forget about it,
not a big deal,
just wish I could edit my images, seems like I can't, thanks for the help and advice
just a quickie example of what i was saying in the first post.. you might want to consider something like this with future uploads..
naw mate, not going to worry about that image, mine's at the top anyway, no biggie,
gawd couldn't do anything like that!
I am starting to put a little copyright info on some images.
I learned the hard way not to delete and then upload new keyword images, when I redid this one
http://woodsshop.com/closeup/Japanese_Garden.htm and added the copyright info.it 'was' my highest landing page, and top of page for 'Japanese garden' image search,
now nowhere to be found on that search or in my stats.
I think ultradns.net is only the DNS-server.
The owner of the site should be OLX in New York
Did you try to contact them?http://ciudaddemexico.olx.com.mx/contacts.php
http://www.olx.com/contacts.phpI don't know how this works with mexico and copyright ingringements, but since they seem to be located in the US...
But concerning your ranking. I think you're at this place because of the image names and your page rank at google search. If i search for "koi pond deck" in the normal google search your page is on top.
http://whois.gwebtools.de/woodsshop.comSo i would say you can manipulate the images and keep the names and it should work, but no guaranty!
Maybe you should ask a professional webdesigner and a lawyer for more information...